Please follow this link to our Letters and Emails of Support, as we in turn have sent our support to Lincoln, in their time of uncertainty.
All posts by ssh121
Rosalind Patrick Development Awards and Register for the party
To all Library staff. The time is here to apply for the Rosalind Patrick Development Awards and register for the party.
Applications for the Development Award close at 5.00pm Friday the 30th of July.
The Rosalind Patrick Professional Development Award was established in 2002, in memory of Rosalind Patrick who was employed in the University of Canterbury Library from 1980 to 2002. An award is given each year to a member or members of the University of Canterbury Library staff, to undertake some form of professional library development. This was a cause dear to Rosalind’s heart and Dr Brent Layton, Rosalind’s partner. Dr Layton was keen to see a fund for such a purpose set up in memory of Rosalind and her work at the University of Canterbury.
Please fill in the applicaton form for the Development Award and forward to Gail. Application form
The Rosalind Patrick Development Awards Evening
Date Thursday 12th August
Time 4.30pm
Venue 5th floor Central Library Staff Room
Please RSVP here, so I can make sure there is enough party food for everyone to share.
Thanks Liz
Wednesday’s Morning Tea

As there is a staff forum tomorrow between 10am – 11am, I will ask Shirley to leave the tea and coffee set up so that you can grab a quick cuppa on the way back to work.
Please help Shirley out and wash your cups and put them away.
Thank you
A big Thank you to the lovely person who cleaned up the kitchen and washed and dried all of the left over dishes, on Friday.
It was noticed and appreciated.
Presentation from Suart Yeates from NZETC
Stuart Yeates, the Lead Architect from the New Zealand Electronic Text Centre, Victoria University, is visiting the university to work with Paul Millar at the Humanities Computing Unit.
4.00pm on Wednesday
16 June in
Law Room 407
The NZETC aims to create a digital library of New Zealand and Pacific material and hosts an expanding online library. The standards-based collection is delivered through an Open Source framework and offers full and free access to a range of materials in multiple formats for download or online browsing. Today the NZETC collection contains over 2,600 texts (around 65,000 pages) and receives over 10,000 visits each day.
Some of the key technologies used are XML and TEI as the document mark-up standards which underpin the work of the NZETC. Other key technologies used at the NZETC include topic maps and XTM, XSLT, Apache Cocoon and Lucene.
Stuart will talk about the NZTEC, the projects they are adopting, and how this has opened up possibilities for further reuse and repurposing of the information in interesting ways.
Please register to attend this presentation.
A trial run morning and afternoon tea
On Friday Shirley will be away on leave. We will NOT be replacing her for this shift.
You will need to be your own tea lady… shock, horror I hear the cries and gasps..!
Please pitch in and wash and put away your own cups, plates etc etc (also at lunch time).
I will ensure that everything is turned off at the end of the day.
Telephones broken!
Dear All,
We are experiencing intermittent problems with our telecommunications infrastructure. Gen-I are currently on site working with our staff to resolve this matter as soon as possible.
We apologise for the inconvenience and will provide an update as soon as more information is available.
Paul Keleghan
ICT Director
We seem to be on a shortage of cups in the tea room, especially the big ones.
If you have taken them back to your desk and they are still lurking, could you please pop them back into the staff room on level 5.
Rosalind Patrick Awards
A party is on it’s way and some good old fashion fun needs to be had by all.
Please start by forwarding any nominations for our awards
Bright Idea Award
Emergency Response Award
Super Sleuth Award
Dark Horse Award
Way with Words Award
Gunga Din Award
Extra Mile Award
Movable Feast Award
Green Award
Out ‘n About Award
Presenter of the Year Award
Professional Contribution Award
Also, please think about any professional library development you may wish to partake in and think about applying for the Rosalind Patrick Professional Development Award. We will be calling for interest in this soon.
Any nominations for the awards listed above, please note why and who and email to Liz Beresford.
Thanks and regards
LLT Minutes from 17/05/10 now available
The approved Minutes from the LLT meeting on 17th May 2010 are now available.