All posts by ssh121

Libary Tower Race

I have just seen the question asked by Dave Clemens regarding the Library Tower Race. The Recreation Centre has put their hand up to organise this event, this year, but I am sure that they would love some volunteers to assist on the stair wells etc in the Library. Remember this is our space and we would like to keep it safe.

Please contact Grant Robertson at the Rec Centre.

The date that this will be held is the 1 April.

Thanks Liz

State of the Nation Presentations

Two State of the Nation sessions will be presented next week.

The first session will take place on Monday 8th March at 11am in the Central Library Level 5 Staff Room.

The second session will take place on Thursday 11th March at 2.00pm in the Central Library Level 5 Staff Room.

The presentations will cover
an update on Summon,
2010 Strategic Plan and
an update on EPS, The Engineering and Physical Sciences Library

All Library staff are invited to attend one of these sessions, but please speak to your supervisor first.

Liz Beresford

Library Tower Race

Janette has just a a query regarding the Library Tower Race from a student.

This year the Recreation Centre has taken over the organisation of this event. As of yet, they have not advsied us of the date that they have chosen to run the event. I will keep you all informed once that date has been set.

Have a great weekend.

