All posts by ssh121


Hi Everyone

Please remember, our little Magic Christmas Fairy, Shirley is not here today..

So please wash, dry and put away all of your dishes.

I will not be here, to check the kitchen this afternoon, and I am sure that you don’t want Betty to come back to mouldy cups, or milk jugs with science projects growing inside them.

It is not just one persons responsibility it is ALL of ours.



Last Day

That day has arrived…. I hope everyone has finished their shopping/organising for the year and looking forward to a well earned break.

Today Shirley is on leave and we so we do not have a tea lady, Shock horror I hear you say… I know it will make us love and cherish Betty and Shirley more, when they return next year.

The small fridge has been turned off and all the milk etc is in the unlocked big fridge.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Rosalind Patrick and Library Awards 2009

Our Christmas Party was a lovely morning filled with flowing bubbles and plenty to nibble and a great turn out.

A big THANKS to all the staff who manned the stations, to allow work mates to attend.

The morning was filled with mixed emotions, with Gail making a lovely tribute to all that have been affected by the proposed changes, with heart felt words and the presentation of flowers.

Please see the photo’s (sorry I don’t have Duncan’s wonderful abilities)

The awards were cleaned up by Law Library, who must of had a busy year! The Wiki has been updated with 2009 winners.

The Rosalind Patrick award had several applications and the winner was announced on the morning.

The City Mission collection was a success, and Fiona H and I dropped the goodies off yesterday morning. Wow what a hub of activity was going on there. Our gifts were most appreciated as they had just run out of Christmas items for hampers and ours was full of lots of exciting goodies, including books, pamper packs, soft toys, Christmas puds, mince pies chocolate, chocolate, chocolate and some more chocolate.

Have a fantastic break over Christmas and New Year

Liz Beresford

ICTS Review

Meetings today officially revealed changes to ICTS and to several Service Units including the Library. The change proposal document has been scanned and added to Counterculture for information.

The proposed impact on the library is the disestablishment of four positions in Library IT – Anne Scott, Peter Kennedy, Donna Barber, and Catherine Jane. Four other positions are proposed to stay the same but to have a different reporting line – Margaret Adam, Alison Rashbrook, Lin Zhang, and Shane Blair. Grant Barrie’s position is to stay in the Library and to move to Collections. Marilyn McLaren’s position in the Library Copy Centre has also been disestablished.

These changes are proposals at this stage and affected staff may make submissions on them before the 4 February 2010. TEU will be making a submission as will library management. Other staff may wish to comment to Paul O’Flaherty, Director of Human Resources who will “consider all submissions received” – page 31, Change proposal- ICT Services.

Gail Pattie
University Librarian

Breakfast RSVP

Thank you to everyone who RSVP’d for the Rosalind Patrick and Christmas Breakfast. The registration is now closed. We have a total of 73 people coming, so we can all look forward to a lovely morning.

Due to high demand (and the box’s getting very full) I have made up 2 more donation box’s for the City Mission, 1 in the Administration office 3rd floor and 1 in Collections on the 5th floor. So if you are doing your shopping in the weekend and haven’t already done so, do think of the families in need this Christmas and buy an item to pop in the box. I will collect them all on the afternoon of the 16th and have them available on the 17th, so anyone who has missed can donate on that day.

Again thanks for all of the support for this idea, and have a lovely weekend
