All posts by ssh121

Award nominations

Mid Year and Christmas Award nominations will be closing today at 2.00pm. We still don’t have nominations for

The Bright Idea
Stirrer of the Year
Volunteer of the Year

If anything comes to mind, that one of your colleagues has down something outstanding that needs to be recognised, please don’t be shy let me know.

We are closing this off a little early to give Gail and Heather time to make some decisions as we have had some multiple nominations for some of the awards.

RSVP for the breakfast on Thursday the 17th stands at 65 so far, so if you have not RSVP’d and would like to attend please register

City Mission food donation box’s, are being dropped off at all Libraries today. Please bring along anything you would feel appropriate to brighten someone’s Christmas. Thanks for the wonderful support that I have had regarding this idea. If they get too full or if you have perishable items please let me know.

Only 17 sleeps until the big day



Christmas Cheer

All of the Library Team would like to take this opportunity to Thank Maria for her huge efforts over the years, in bringing a little Christmas Cheer to us all. Her decorating and work that she has put into organising Secret Santa has been outstanding “Thank you Maria”

Maria has unfortunately stepped down from Secret Santa this year, so we have come up with an idea to put our good will out into the community.

Christchurch City Mission does an incredible job assisting hundreds of families to celebrate Christmas with food parcels. As an idea, instead of small gift for each other maybe we could organise a small gift to go into the food parcels for the City Mission. Chocolates or something special would be great, they even accept perishables, but after speaking with them any donation would greatly appreciated.

We can have a box at each branch or bring your donation along on the 17th December. Please add comments to let me know if this would lift our Christmas Spirit, and be a great alternative to Secret Santa.



Library Survey Voucher Winners

Our winners of the book vouchers have been drawn.

Candice and Bridget were ecstatic to learn that they were the lucky winners of $150.00 book vouchers, from the UBS. They won this prize for just filling out our survey.

Bridget came over from Dovedale to meet with Philip and be presented with her voucher, and Candice said it was the perfect gift for her to receive as she had just finished her exams.

Here is the summary so far.

Thanks Liz

The Rosalind Patrick Professional Development Award Ceremony, Christmas Party and Staff awards

A Gentle Reminder

If you haven’t registered to come along
Please register NOW

The Rosalind Patrick Professional Development Award Ceremony, Christmas Party and Staff awards

Thursday 17 December 2009
7.45am – 9.30am
5th floor Staff Room
Breakfast and Bubbly provided

Please advise us if you wish to attend before 10 December 2009. We require your registration for catering numbers, so please register NOW using the online booking system

Award Nominations

Nominations for the Annual Library Awards close by 5.00pm Thursday 10th December 2009.

Yes, it is that time of year when we nominate our colleagues for any number of exciting Annual Awards – we do have a number of nominations already, but if you can think of any wondrous people that fit into any of the following categories please send in your nominations to Liz.

We have not received awards for the following

The Bright Idea
Presenter of the Year
Golden tape
Stirrer of the Year
Volunteer of the Year
Making Connections

If you can think of any scenarios or reason why one of your colleagues should be nominated, PLEASE let me know!

Thanks Liz

Library Resources in Learn – Information Session

Library Resources in Learn

Library staff are invited to an information session about Library projects and activities involving Learn, the Learning Management System replacing Blackboard. Most courses have already shifted to Learn this year, and the remaining Blackboard courses will be moved by Semester 1, 2010.

Jack and Donna will be reporting on moving e-reserves into Learn courses for 2010, and Education Library Information Librarians will be talking about working with their academics to create teaching resources in Learn. Anyone else who has been working with Learn is welcome to come along and report on what they’ve been doing, and hopefully there will also be time for general discussion.

The session will be held in the Central Library Level 4 Seminar Room at 2pm, Tuesday 17th November. Please register by clicking here.
Thanks Liz