All posts by sva33

PD&R Form – format issues

If you find that the heading row is not repeating on separate pages you need to highlight the row that contains the column titles, right mouse click on the row – then select from the drop down box “TABLE PROPERTIES” and open the tab marked “Row”.

On this box as shown in the illustration – select both boxes so that the table will break correctly across pages and the heading row will repeat if your writing covers more than one page



Interested in Staff Yoga Classes ?

2009 Staff Yoga Programme.

I am pleased to announce that we will continue to offer Yoga in a Staff Only environment for 2009.

1 class per week, Thursdays 5.15pm – 6.15pm at Dovedale Dance Studio
Tutor: JuneyT
10 week blocks. $35 for members of the RecCentre, and $55 for non-members.
FIRST COURSE: Commences tomorrow! Thursday 15th January.
Late enrolments will be taken if you can’t start until next week, but the price will remain the same
Limited to 20 people per course.

Course dates for 2009:

Course 1: Thursday 15th January – Thursday 12th March

Course 2: Thursday 19th March – Thursday 21st May

Course 3: Thursday 28th May – Thursday 30th July

Course 4: Thursday 6th August – Thursday 8th October

Course 5: Thusday 15th October – Thursday 17th December

Note: These dates are subject to change.

Hoping to see you in Staff Yoga in 2009!

Kathryn Henderson
Manager – Group Fitness
Sport Science and Recreation Services
Ph 03 364 2516

Christmas Annual Awards 2008

The Christmas Annual Awards information can now be viewed on Camelot online

A new award was created this year and is entitled “The Terminator Award”

 Terminator Award

This award went to Jan Scandlyn for bravely capturing the Education Library rat and overseeing its demise.

The Terminator Award while it in part represents the “killing of a rat” in the larger scheme
represents the “death” of the old ways being replaced with new improved processes, procedures or ideas for getting the job.

Birth Announcement from Tim Stedman

On Christmas Day at 10.11pm we welcomed a gorgeous wee daughter, Emily Sarah into the world (6lb 13oz). Mum and baby are both fine but both had a tiring and lengthy day. Without going into all the detail suffice to say the birth ended up being perfectly natural for which we are extremely thankful.

Katherine and Emily are now both at home and we are now trying to establish a few routines with varying degrees of success but in general things are going well.

Tim Stedman

Branch Managers Meetings

The proposed organisational changes in the University of Canterbury Library came into being on the 1st November 2008.
As requested at the 4th August 2008 Library Leadership Team (LLT), this is confirmation of the meeting schedule for Branch Managers.

A fortnightly Branch Managers meeting has been set up, the first meeting was held on the 6th November. The regular fortnightly Branch Managers meetings provide a forum for the Branch Managers and the Associate University Librarian (Research & Learning), (AUL) to discuss issues of mutual concern. Items for discussion are raised by the Branch Managers and/or by me and the outcome of these discussions may be reported through to LLT for further input and comment.

Items discussed at LLT are also placed on the Branch Managers agenda to ensure two way communication, as well as gaining input if required. Invitations to attend the Branch Manager meetings are extended to other Library and/or University staff, who are asked to attend the meetings to ensure that the Branch Managers are given all relevant information concerning the topics under discussion. A portal has been set up from which the Branch Managers can retrieve documentation for these meetings. There are minutes taken of the meetings; however these minutes are not currently public documents. This decision will be reviewed in 2009.

The Branch Managers also meet with the AUL individually for coaching once every 5 weeks, to talk through a variety of issues.
Justifications to fill staff vacancies are discussed as they arise and when there is an agreed strategy, the vacancies are then moved forward by the AUL to the next LLT meeting.

Heather Jenks
Associate University Librarian (Research & Learning Services)

Changes in the Central Library

Just to keep you up-to-date on changes in the Central Library.

While the lift is being built – the Reserves Team has moved into the Lending Area. Everyone has managed to fit into the space once the cabinets were moved out.

Jack is seen here happily working at his new desk.

Shelving is being taken down in the space between the lifts – it will look more open now these are gone and the wall around the corner has also been removed. People will be able to walk through to the area housing the 3 day loan collection.

New furniture has been installed in the area behind the stairs on level 2. This arrangement is to provide more laptop working areas for students.


Christmas Stories

The Education Library has a wonderful Chrismas Story display. It is worth remembering all the wonderful childrens stories, music and DVD’s the Library collection has available for you to enjoy. Why not remind your academic staff and others around campus when are wishing them a happy holiday – to come in and visit the Library and collect some great holiday reading material.



Farewell Morning Tea for Brodie was held this week

This year the Education Library has hosted Brodie, a young man with a disability, who with the aid of a helper from the Chris Ruth Centre has come in each Tuesday morning to shelve material in the Education Library.

This has been a very rewarding experience for staff who are keen to have Brodie return in 2009 to continue shelving in the Library. It is a worthwhile community activity that provides this young man with interesting activities that he enjoys.

A special end of year morning tea was held in Brodie’s honour.

Margaret baked a banana cake, which turned out perfectly (it has been sometime since she made a cake so naturally she was a bit concerned about how it was going to turn out ).

Brodie made his favourite muffins – blueberry and banana.

A lovely time was had by all.


Staff pictured here with Brodie – Margaret is proudly displaying her banana cake (yummy)
