All posts by tal38

It’s DPI Refresher time again!

Nobody wants  DPI (it hurts!) while at work.

The DPI Awareness team are running their annual DPI refresher sessions for Library Staff on the following dates:

Tue 6 June 11am

Wed 7 June 11am

Tues 13 June  2pm

Thurs 15 June 2pm

All will be held in Poutama (Level 3, Central Library, Puaka – James Hight). Come along and hear how you can prevent DPI while at work!

Staff must attend a refresher every two years so please attend if you are due for a refresher.

Register for sessions here:

Project Update 9 – Scanning and Uploading Bound Unreported Judgments to NZLII

This project continues.

Sue, Wendy and Beth are doing an amazing job scanning, preparing and uploading decisions from the former Employment Tribunal (now the Employment Relations Authority) to NZLII.

We have just uploaded our 2000th decision here:

We estimate that there will be about 20,000 decisions once we finish uploading these. This will make the Employment Tribunals  one of the larger NZLII databases. If you are interested the top three are (in order) High Court, Court of Appeal and Supreme Court.

Adding material to NZLII makes legal decisions more accessible to our students, staff and the NZ legal community. It also means we can withdraw the volumes of these which were on Level 7 (they’re currently in our workroom).

For those who are keeping track we started with 588 volumes on Level 7 and now only have 129 volumes to go!

LAWS110 Quiz and Modules

Hi all weekend staff

Our LAWS110 students have been asked to complete three online modules and then a quiz before Monday as part of their course.

We are aware that some students have been having issues accessing these. If you get any questions over the weekend I hope the following will help:

– the modules are on the LAWS110 Learn site – they are under legal research skills on the left hand side.

– the quiz is on the same page as the modules (at the bottom)

– students need to complete the modules before they can access the quiz.

– If they can’t access them because they are getting an update to update Adobe (most often happening in Chrome). They will need to use IE or Firefox. 

– If it doesn’t work on their laptop/PC/device they will need to use the University computers (the modules will work on IE). 

Students have had a large leadin time to make a start on these and have had the last week to undertake the quiz.

Sara and I will both be back at work on Monday at 9am. If they have any other problems please email us and we will answer them then.



New database: Max Planck Encyclopedia of Comparative Constitutional Law


We have recently subscribed to the Max Planck Encyclopedia of Comparative Constitutional Law.

It is a new database by OUP which looks at legal topics in different jurisdictions. It also gives a really good legal overview of topics that often come up for our students but it also has good overview of some topics that our students might need introductory material or need to look at another jurisdiction/country. Some examples I’ve noted (that might be usual for other subjects) are abortion, presidential systems, primary education and freedom of art.

There are currently 70 titles (i.e. chapters) but they have 570 planned so it will grow.

Have a look!



LAWS110 dropin. 1-3 pm Monday – Friday THIS WEEK

Hi All,

Our first year LAWS110 students are currently working through  a number of online modules as part of the legal research skills component of this course.

Sara and I are running a drop-in session (no appointment necessary) each afternoon (1-3pm) this week to offer support and answer questions.
We will be in Poutama (Level 3, Central Library) each afternoon. If you get any queries from students please send them our way.


Law Scavenger Hunt – Wednesday 10.30-11.30

Our first year Law students are having their annual scavenger hunt tomorrow (Wednesday 22nd March) between 10.30 – 11.30.

One of their tasks is to come to the Library and (in order).

1. Find their first clue on Level 8 (poster will be by the New Zealand Law Journal’s)

2. Find their second clue on Level 7

3. Visit a Law Subject Librarian at our desks on Level 5 [if you see a small group of students looking lost on Level 5 between 10.30 and 11.30 – please send them to our desks]

4. Find the law books in the High Demand collection

5. Visit a Law Subject Librarian in Poutama

Hopefully it won’t be too disruptive – they’ve asked to be quiet while they’re in the Library.

Any questions please let Sara or I know



Project Update 8 – Scanning and Uploading Bound Unreported Judgments to NZLII

This project continues. Sue and Beth are doing a magnificent job preparing and uploading decisions from the former Employment Tribunal (now the Employment Relations Authority) to NZLII.

They have now uploaded the first 1000 decisions here:

We estimate that there will be about 20,000 decisions once we finish uploading these which will make it one of the larger NZLII databases. Adding material to NZLII makes legal decisions more accessible to our students, staff and the NZ legal community and also means we can withdraw the volumes of these which were on Level 7 (they’re currently in our workroom).

For those who are keeping track we started with 588 volumes on Level 7 and now only have 151 volumes to go!



Project Update 7 – Scanning and Uploading Bound Unreported Judgments to NZLII

Congratulations to Sue Lloyd who uploaded the 300,000th decision to NZLII last night!!

This is a major milestone for NZLII so it is fitting that the UC Library uploaded this decision as we’ve added a significant amount of material over the last few years. Adding material to NZLII makes legal decisions more accessible to our students, staff and the NZ legal community.

Sue, Beth and I have made a slow start to organise and upload decisions from the Employment Tribunal which will continue over the summer.


Here is the media release from NZLII this morning:

Sue from Canterbury has added the 300, 000th document to NZLII

To put this in perspective – NZLII is 12 years old (started November 2004), the 200,000th document (a Gazette law Report decision) was loaded on 21 January 2016, 22 September 2014 the 150, 000th document was added to the system – so a rapid increase this year (thanks largely to the Regulations as Made and Historical Bills which make up 50,000 of the new documents – but there are 52,000 new case law documents as well (which is massive).

So a big thanks to Sue (and Beth and Caroline from Canterbury), and Rosemary Wilson who has loaded over 10,000 decisions herself this year.

Thank you everybody for your support.

(And if anybody really wants to know, by my calculations – this is document number 300,000 – )



ALLA Conference Report back

I would like to invite you to a repeat of my presentation “Successes, failures, resistance and lessons learnt from implementing a structured legal research skills programme at the University of Canterbury” that I gave at the recent Australian Law Librarians Association Conference in Melbourne.

When: Friday 16th September

Time: 2pm – 3pm

Where: James Hight 210

I will also give a report back on my trip and tell you all about meeting a panda, attending the Australia New Zealand Academic and Colleges law librarians meeting and visits to two law libraries.

I was fortunate to receive a Vice-Chancellors General Staff Development Award for this trip and am grateful to both the VC and Anne Scott for the opportunity to have attended.

Would love to see you there

Project Update 6 – Scanning and Uploading Bound Unreported Judgments to NZLII

Over the last 16 weeks Beth, Caroline, Sue and Wendy have done an amazing job in uploading the following to NZLII:

  • approximately 3700 decisions from the Employment Relations Authority. Thanks to this contribution the database is nearly complete from 2000 until last month and contains over 10,000 decisions (currently the fourth largest on NZLII).
  • 964  decisions from the Motor Vehicles Dispute Authority. This adds some earlier decisions to this database.

Thank-you to all the staff who have covered for Beth, Caroline, Sue and Wendy so that they could complete this work. It has meant we have been able to withdraw 42 volumes from Level 7 and it has made these decisions more easily accessible to the entire NZ legal community!

We are now going to take a break from this project until after exams and then will aim to scan and upload the decisions from the Employment Tribunal (the forerunner to the Employment Relations Authority).