All posts by Te Paea

Fumigation of Education and EPS Libraries, Easter Saturday

Please note that Education and EPS libraries will also be fumigated on Easter Saturday.

The space will not be safe to go into until Monday.

On the Thursday afternoon before Easter, staff will prepare the library for fumigation – cleaning keyboards, phones, desktops and food areas especially if cupboards are to be left open for when they return.

If there are any issues please contact Paul Cooper, Cleaning services on 027 2469683.


Library Assistant appointment

Following our recent call for expressions of interest for a fixed term, part-time Library Assistant at Central, which attracted three EOI.  We are pleased to announce that from 4 April 2016, Central Library welcomes Rosamund Feeney as Library Assistant, Fixed Term, Part-time 34 hours per week.  Rebecca Fisher and Helen Winks also pick up Library Assistant hours as a result of this move on a fixed term, part-time basis, and will work at Central and Education libraries during this period. 

He mihinui, thanks for supporting the Tower Race today

Special mihi and thanks to: Megan Dale, Joan Simpson, Beth Mannix, Sue Thompson, Felicity Watson, Mariko Yoshioka, Simon Cooke, Wendy Wu, Greg Marshall, Kiera Tauro, Alison McIntyre, and Fiona Tyson for being race marshals.  We rely on volunteers for this component, so thanks again for making time to help out.  Thanks to everyone else who also contributed behind the scenes, rosters etc.

Huge mihi and thanks to Wendy and Kiera for standing in at late notice for Helen Thomas and Anton Angelo who were unable to be there on the day.

Congratulations to our very own Janette Winks, winner of the 2016 Tower Race Super Female Staff award!  Janette also received the loudest applause at prize giving (wonder who that was G?)

The overall winning time for 2016 was 1 minute 41 seconds from the men.  Further details of times and winners will be posted by the Rec Centre.

There are prizes for staff and students, fashion, and fastest times for female and male.  It’s well worth entering.

We look forward to next year!


EPS Library closed today until further notice

Kia ora tatou,

Contractors have needed to turn off the water supply to EPS Library.  This occurred last night and it was thought that the issue would be resolved by the morning.  Unfortunately, the water continues to remain off.  It is unknown at this stage when the issue will be resolved.

The EPS Library staff are in the process of closing the library and signs will be placed on the windows.  The closure is effective immediately until further notice.  Please make alternative arrangements for your appointments should this closure impact on scheduled activities.

EPS Library staff will be joining us at Central Library while the water work is completed.

We will let you know, when the issue has been resolved and the EPS Library reopens.

Nga mihi,
Te Paea

Kua hinga he totara teitei: Dr Ranginui Walker

Kia hiwa ra! Kia Hiwa ra!   Kua hinga he totara teitei i te wao nui ā Tāne. Ko Ranginui Walker terā. Takoto mai e kara i te takotoranga o nga mātua tūpuna. Tenei mātou te tangi kau ake. Haere, haere, haere ra.

It is with great regret and sadness to hear of the passing of Dr Ranginui Walker. Rangi passed away last evening surrounded by his whānau.  Our deepest sympathy and aroha are extended to Deidre, Michael and the whānau pani. While we mourn we also reflect on Rangi’s significant contribution to Māori and the nation, and know that this is and will be recognised and celebrated in the days and years to come.

The loss of Ranginui from our midst will be so very strongly felt. For many of us his intellectual labour provided the foundation for our work. He gave energy to our politics and a critique that demanded a response. His careful analysis of the condition of Māori and clear identification of the causes were deemed radical when he first pronounced them and yet they have informed the work of the nation and shaped our present political landscape.  His acuteness of thought and word remained with him until the end. His was a life of service to Māori.

Library Assistant opportunity (Fixed Term, Part-time 34hrs)

As a result of recent internal staff changes, we now have a fixed term part-time Library Assistant role available (position description attached), based in the Central Library. This position is part-time, 34 hours per week, for 12 months or when a permanent solution is implemented.  The days and hours of work are:

  • Sunday 5.15-9.15pm
  • Monday 8.30-5.00pm
  • Tuesday 8.30-5.00pm
  • Wednesday 8.30-5.00pm
  • Thursday 10.00-6.30pm

1 hour lunch break Monday to Thursday. This role may include Evening Shifts as required from time to time, and the positon holder will need to be able to work from any of the UC library locations.

This position is advertised internally only at this time.  To register your interest in this role, please provide a brief Expression of Interest that outlines:

  • Why you are interested in this position;
  • What skills and personal qualities you will bring to the position;
  • What knowledge and experience you will bring to the position;
  • Flexibility to work at different library locations as may be required from time to time.

Expressions of Interest should be submitted to by 5pm Friday 26 February 2016.

Position Description

Secondment appointment – Customer Services Coordinator

We are delighted to announce that Tim O’Sullivan has been seconded as the Customer Services Coordinator at Central.  Tim takes up the role on Monday 22 February 2016.  This development opportunity recognises Tim’s knowledge, skill and valued contribution to the customer services team.     

The secondment is full-time, 37.5 hours per week, Monday to Friday for a period of 12 months to provide leadership and coordinator team support, and allow time to undertake a review of the staffing and resourcing needs of the customer services team.

Overview of Library Orientation Activities

Click here to get an overview of what is happening for orientation in the Libraries.

Huge thanks to those who volunteered to help out.  The informal meet & sip area is working a treat!

Remember to promote the Library Quiz and #UCLibraryShelfie competition.  There are some great prizes up for grabs – $5 UCSA Café vouchers, $25 Spagalimi Pizza vouchers, and $50 Joe’s Garage vouchers.  One prize a day, and you have to be in for a chance to win.



Tower Race: call for volunteers

Kia hiwa ra!

The Tower race isn’t too far away!

We are looking for up to 15 Volunteers to assist with library stair marshalling. An info sheet is available on the K:drive if you want to know more about what is involved.  K:\LIBR-Library\Operations\Marketing\Tower Race\Volunteers_Staff Requirements and Tasks\2016

If you are keen, available and have support from your manager to help out, please let me know by Friday 19 February 2016.

Date:  Thursday 3 March 2016, 12:00PM  to 02:00PM
(note change in date – UCRec Centre advised the wrong date earlier of 8 March, it should have been 3 March, and they have reconfirmed by email today 15/2/16)

Location:  S-Block lawn/bottom of Puaka-James Hight steps

Ka mihi,
Te Paea