I am seeking Expressions of Interest (EoI) for a Library Assistant to backfill a temporary reduced hours arrangement. The position is part-time (15 hours), fixed term from Monday 22 February to Tuesday 27 April inclusive. Hours of work each week is Mondays and Tuesdays, 7.45am to 4.15pm, with a one hour lunch on each day.
The role suits someone who is familiar with our front facing services in the customer services team and in particular ‘opening the library’ procedures. This opportunity is advertised internally at UC only at this time.
Level 10 in PJH is now completed and open for individual focussed study, effective today. There are a total of 73 pods on the floor with 73 chairs.
Each pod is numbered with a visual reminder, that it is for individual study, one person , per pod. The numbering allows us to identify a pod location for any escalation or issues with any particular pod. The level 10 floor plans saved in the K drive have been updated to include pod numbers.
Each pod has one inbuilt power socket and two USB sockets. Each pod is operational.
Silent study zone banners are situated at the East and West end of the floor to inform and encourage users.
UC students and staff with a current Canterbury Card have priority access and use to the pods in the instance where non-UC people are using pods and there is UC student/staff demand for study pods on level 10.
Construction signage has been removed from level 10 and the lifts today.
Andy has resigned from the position of Makerspace Facilitator. He is currently on leave and his last working day is today, Wednesday 9 December 2020. The vacant positon will be reviewed to ensure the replacement position is fit for purpose to deliver on the Te Rua Makerspace strategic blueprint and wider UC goals.
Paul Cooper, UC Logistics and Operations Manager has advised that fumigation will occur between Saturday 19 December and Wednesday 23 December 2020 in library spaces. No one should enter any of these spaces for 48 hours after fumigation occurs.
We are delighted to welcome Tomonori (Tomo) Shibata who joins the library team in the role of Team Leader Customer Services (environment). Tomo brings relevant skills and leadership experience to the role, and leaves a similar position in Christchurch City Libraries. Tomo holds a Master of Information Studies and is a registered member of LIANZA. He has a great appreciation for continuous learning and is passionate about teams and making a difference, learning spaces and emerging technologies. Tomo will officially start Monday 11 January 2021.
Apologies – there was an error in the initial post. The correct version of the document is linked below.
Overall the Library Opening hours are the same as 2020 across all three libraries with changes to EPS open times during the week of 8.30am instead of 8.00am, and Friday close time of 5.00pm instead of 6.00pm.
Reduced opening hours apply during mid-year break for PJH and EPS.
Please note, exam extended hours will be offered as 11pm closing seven days a week in 2021, opening times during the exam support period remain unchanged.
A wee reminder that in Alert Level 2, staff are encouraged to use the staff entry/exits in PJH Library and avoid using the main entry/exit on level 2. If you have visitors, please make arrangements to meet them and escort them through the staff entry/exit. You will be responsible for contact tracing – so it is useful for them to scan a QR code or other measure if they do not have a Canterbury Card.
PJH Library has a maximum limit of 700 and students can only use the main entry/exit. Conditions of entry through the main entrance includes:
Accessible for UC staff and students
Need a valid Canterbury Card to swipe in and swipe out
700 at any one time
You may need to queue when maximum capacity is reached, and entry is on a 1 in/1 out basis
Both PJH and EPS Libraries have Security guard support on the entry/exit as maximum capacity has been reached, usually from 11am to about 4pm each day. Security guard presence at EPS will stay in place till 6pm Friday 21/8/20, PJH security presence will continue as per usual in AL2.
Brie Arnold is a year 13 student at Te Aotawhiti. As part of a gateway experience to learn more about what work is done in an academic library, she will be joining Customer Services on three Friday mornings (7-21 August) from 9.30am to 12noon.
Juliet and Te Paea are the key contacts for this initiative. An itinerary has been developing that works with other team members and library teams to provide Brie with a broad academic library overview.
Her first day was today with a health and safety debrief and then a deep dive into acquisitions and IRWG ratings, reflection and discussion on what was learned and a PJH tour to hide a golden ticket and look at LCC/DDC.
Thank you to everyone who made Brie welcome. She has two more mornings with us over the next couple of weeks, so you might see her around!