All posts by tsu16

Emergency information

Just a reminder that the university has an emergency response plan:,-1.73MB).pdf

Information about how to respond in a range of scenarios is here:

UC wide emergency information is on this webpage:

Tim O’Sullivan


PJH emergency evacuation procedures

There will be a session for staff on Thursday 15th February at 11.30 to explain the emergency evacuation procedures for the Puaka-James High Building.

The session will be in two parts.

First (11.30-12.00): practical considerations for evacuating the building. This will be  a walk around to think about the building in terms of needing to evacuate in an emergency (not the building in terms of being a library). If you are an existing staff member or established staff member who has moved into the building you are welcome to come along to refresh your memory.

Second (12.00-12.30): Health and Safety introduction for new casual staff.

Please meet in room 203 (Customer Services) at 11.30 on Thursday.

Tim O’Sullivan



The following note has been received from Pat Keogh, University compliance Officer. This is a yearly check required so that the building can be certified safe to occupy. This is usually an un-eventful check but forewarned is forearmed.

Building: Puaka James Hight Library           

System: Manual Fire Alarm  

Date: 29/01/18

Time: 08.00am to 04.00pm

Parts of Premises Affected:  Whole Building

The effect of this shutdown is: The Manual Call Points and Smoke Detectors will not activate the fire sounders or signal the fire service.

The Fire Alarm sounders will operate intermittently during this shutdown.

The fire sprinkler will be operational

This shutdown is to allow Chubb to carry out an annual survey on the building fire system.

In the event of an emergency ring 111 (fire service) and Security (6111) and evacuate the building.

Tim O’Sullivan (on behalf of Pat Keogh)

Health and Safety Reminder

During the year the UC Emergency Management websites were improved. There is quite a bit of information about how to respond including quick links to the UC emergency Management Plan and the Student emergency Response plan.

The University of Canterbury’s priorities in any emergency situation are as follows:

1. To save life and avoid any further injury;

2. To preserve the University of Canterbury’s assets and operations;

3. To minimize impact on the local community and environment;

4. To support, where possible, citywide emergency response;

5. To return to business as usual as soon as practical.

(Emergency Management Plan page 4)

Tim O’Sullivan

Health and Safety: Evacuation procedures in the PJH building

On Friday at 10.00am I will introduce some of our new staff from Education and AV to the evacuation procedures in the Puaka-James Hight  building. This will be a walk around to talk through evacuating the building in an emergency situation.

If there is anyone who has worked here for a while who would like to join the walk around you would be most welcome. Please meet in room 203 (Customer Services workroom at 10.00am). It will last 30 minutes.

I will repeat the session next Wednesday (13th December) at 2.00pm starting in the same place.

Tim O’Sullivan


The MS800II microfilm reader is housed at the back end of level 2 next to the Cabinets. Somehow it has lost its regular lens mounting which has been replaced by this:

This looks much the same as the correct unit but is not the right one for this machine.

Most of the more recent Canon readers tend to have the same sort of mechanism but they are all designed slightly differently to cope with the different specifications of the various machines.

Does anyone have any idea how or why the machine has had its lens mount replaced and where the original one is?

Needless to say the functionality of the machine is significantly reduced without the correct item.

If you know of the whereabouts of the correct item please let me know.


Tim O’Sullivan


Castle Hill

Many of you will remember Jenny Abrahamson who worked here in the Central Library for 20 years until she retired about 8 years ago. One of Jenny’s interests is the Castle Hill area and the Enys family who were early run holders in the Basin.

Jenny has finished her book on the topic entitled “John and Charles Enys: Castle Hill Runholders (1864-1891) “ ISBN: 978-1-927167-31-1.

There is a sample view here:

CapturCastle Hill book

This is sure to be a worthy addition to the literature associated with the Canterbury High Country.

Tim O’Sullivan

The Fridge

The usual milk fridge in the PJH level 5 staff room has been moved to allow it to defrost.

There is so much ice on the icebox that the door of the fridge was not closing properly and this was leading to more ice buildup inside and a fridge that was working far harder to keep the contents cool.

I’ll wash the whole thing out this afternoon but in the meantime the smoko milk is in the other fridge.

Tim O’Sullivan