CUP EBA – Cambridge University Press Evidence Based Acquisition
This model allows us try eBooks before we buy and includes a year of access to specific subject content for a minimal up-front fee. At year’s end we could choose titles to keep for permanent access up to the amount we pre-pay.
We have run CUP EBA program via EBSCO since 2020. Our last CUP EBA program finished in May 2022. 73 titles are selected for continuing access.
The new CUP EBA program runs between Jun 2022 and May 2023. It covers all eBooks published by CUP in 2021-2022 in 4 subjects (Science, Law, Social Science and Language & Literature)
We have implemented Demand Driven Acquisition (DDA) with JSTOR
JSTOR’s DDA model offers access to a large select set of eBooks for discovery and use, but our library only pay for those that reach a threshold of usage.
JSTOR will replace ProQuest as the first preference in our DDA hierarchy. DDA titles available on JSTOR will switch from ProQuest to JSTOR DDA accordingly. All eBooks in JSTOR DDA are DRM-free and unlimited-user.
In Gobi bib records, the DDA indicator will now display for JSTOR where the title is DDA eligible on JSTOR – see highlights in the screenshot below:

Potential eBook savings from EBSCO
Potential savings for our book budget may be realised by placing EBSCO eBooks 2nd in our DDA hierarchy. We would like to hear of any concerns if we were to place EBSCO higher in our DDA hierarchy over ProQuest.

EBSCO eBook User Experience and Mobile App session
Recently EBSCO has run a training session for some subject librarians on the EBSCO eBook UX and Mobile App.
Here are the recording and PPT (K:/Info-Resources/Non-Continuing-Resources/E-books/EBSCO%20eBooks%20UX_Canterbury.pptx)
You could view those 73 titles at K:\Info-Resources\Non-Continuing-Resources\E-books\CUP EBS\CUP EBA 2021 kept titles.xlsx
Please contact us at if you have any questions/comments about the contents in eBook updates.
Ngā mihi
Wendy Wu