All posts by xch68

Central Library Extended Hours for Study Break and End-of-year Exams

Central Library offers extended hours for study break and exams as follows:

Monday 14th October to Thursday 7th November (inclusive)
** all libraries are open on Labour Day, see separate post**

Monday-Thursday 8am-11pm
Friday 8am – 9pm
Saturday (normal hours – 10am-5pm)
Sunday 10am-11pm

Thanks to our library staff and casual pool for volunteering to cover this period.

Throughout this period we will be monitoring noise vigilantly in our silent zones so please phone through to x6198 immediately if you receive any complaints, either at the desk, in person, email or via Asklive and we will attend immediately. Please try and get as much detail as to the location of noisy areas as possible (i.e. ask for a call number or subject description from the closest range guide)

Thanks, Isabel

Items for withdrawal from Central Library


The following items are for withdrawal from the collection at Central, however I do not know where they are. Could you please contact me if you have them in your workspace, desk, shelves.

Administration cb Guide to recruitment and termination / AU09314709B
Information Services cb The Internet companion plus : a beginner’s start-up kit for global networking /
Library Workroom cb Australian and New Zealand information literacy framework : principles, standards and practice

Many thanks

High Demand Report 2013

Hi all

High Demand 2013 Semester 1 report has been placed on the K drive at K:\management\statistics_KPIs_MP163\High Demand to enable all staff involved in this process to view usage of the collection and then assist in advising any future addition to the collection. This is a snapshot taken approx 30 days before the end of the Semester. We intend producing these reports at the end of each semester and filing them for this purpose.

Let me know if you have any questions,