All posts by xch68

Retrievals from EPS

Just a quick update to make sure you are all in the loop regarding access to EPS library materials.

Please advise borrowers to place a request on material located in EPS library for pick up at another UC library. We attend to retrievals each morning and can access most shelves.
This service will continue until all levels of the building reopen.


Returns to EPS Library

Just a friendly reminder that all EPS material (with the exception of videos, dvds, computer discs and Standards) should be returned to the Central Library.

If in any doubt, return to the Central LIbrary or check with Coral or me.
If you would like to arrange for EPS material to be returned to EPS, please contact Coral or me.


AskLive – FAQ – Use of Calculators in Exams

At this time of year we often receive enquiries about the use of calculators in exams, either at the desk or on Asklive.
John Arnold provided this info for Law Library staff but I thought worth sharing Library wide.


Calculators are not permitted unless the examiner has authorised their use and must be self-powered, without data storage facilities, noiseless and handheld. It is your responsibility to provide a suitable calculator and to have it checked prior to reporting for the exam/test should the examiner require it. The examiner will advise you if you need to have your calculator checked.
Calculator Checks (PDF, 27KB) shows a list of examinations where Standard Non-programmeable Calculators have been authorised for use. All students sitting for these examinations must have their calculators pre-approved before arriving at the exam room.
Calculator checks for tests/exams requiring this will take place in Law 436 each Wednesday from 12.45 – 1.15.


Hampers appear to be in very short supply at the moment.
If you are aware of a stockpile anywhere, or some that have been requisitioned for purposes other than ILBDS, could you please ensure they are returned to circulation.
Much appreciated