All posts by xch68

Reminder – LIANZA Conference 2009 – Call for Abstracts

The LIANZA 2009 Conference Committee invites the submission of abstracts for this year’s conference at the Christchurch Convention Centre, October 12-14.

For conference information please visit

For detailed abstract requirements and submission instructions, please visit

* Friday 22 May – Deadline for abstract submission
* Monday 15 June – Notification of abstract acceptance

Queries – Please contact the Conference Secretariat

Non UC posters for display in Edu Lib

If students or members of the public wish to use our display boards for notices that are not generated by UC, please advise them:

If it is advertising something for sale or rent: L1 on hard floor area.

If it is for anything else: L2, above workbenches around LC collection only. THey also need to note to use the right hand side of the board. The left hand side of the board is reserved for UC posters.

If you have any queries, either ask me or take a look at the L2 boards the next time you are upstairs….
Thanks, Isabel

Health and Physical Education- The Curriculum in Action titles

A selection of these have been placed in 3d loan at the request of the lecturer for EDHL 261.

They are shelved together in a plastic holder under “HEA” in an attempt to keep things simple!

To find individual titles, search the catalogue by series ‘Health and physical education curriculum in action’ to pick up the 20+ titles, or use the cheat sheet at the end of the lending desk.