Copy Centre have given us a stack of handouts to assist students wanting to print in colour from a PC. It also provides advice on the best options depending on which campus the student is on, cost and availability.
Colour printer options are not available on PCs logged into the Lending Desk generic account (which have default settings) so you will not be able to demonstrate on one of these PCs. Hand out the printed instructions instead.
We have had complaints about the currency of issues of the NY Review of Books on the Newspaper Stand. The latest issue on the stand is March 26-April 8th. There have been 5 issues since then, but no sign of them. Can Library staff please check their work areas for these missing issues? Has anyone noticed them round anywhere?
A reminder that “For registration as a ULANZ or CTA student a mandatory requirement is the supply of your home institution student email address.”
For CPIT students, their email address follows this formula ‘[usercode]
Most know their usercode, so you can construct their email address from this. If they cannot supply this information, please do NOT complete the registration them until they can give it to you. We currently have a couple of CTA students with insufficient contact details and overdue books. No exceptions for CTA students please.
The stapler near the printer on level 2 is broken, and has been given to the copy centre to be checked. There is a stapler on the help desk for students to use.
Shane Blair has just made a change to the orbital scanner at the far left PC of the Lending desk (furtherest from entrance). No problems are anticipated but if you notice that it behaves differently or causes any problem, please contact him via an email to Library IT with the details.
The printer nearest the Help Desk has paper jam problem, so is turned off and has an Out of Order sign on it. I have phoned Raeco and somebody will come to fix it on next Monday. Lin.
Just a bit of info on what is happening today Between 1.00pm and 2.30pm we will be testing the fans in the two tower stairs, this means the fans will run and our staff member will hold the bottom door open to get the correct air flow, they will not let anyone exit. Please let the help desk know as the door alarm buzzer will operate.
We will do one stair at a time.
Collections have powered through the CL DVD collection and classified all but the 70-80 DVDs still out on loan. As any are returned with running numbers, lending staff should just pop those in the basket for Julie to collect and Collections will deal to them that day.
Members’handbook by New Zealand Institute of Chartered Accountants is a recommended reading material for ACIS346. Unfortunately our Library copy has been missing-tracing. If any student asks for this handbook, please send the student to the Library in ACIS department, which holds this handbook as well.