One of the LibCen printers requires a maintenance kit B. However, Ricoh do not get automatic messages telling them about maintenance kits, only about toner cartridges. So you do need to phone the 0800 number and quote the serial number to get action on kits. They will send a technician out tomorrow.
Category Archives: Central Library
LibCen Printer
There is a maintenance kit for the LibCen printer on the book shelf in Janette’s office. The maintenace person may ask for this when they come to repair the printer that is out of order.
POLS 102 assignment
I’m afraid that the POLS 102 assignment (worksheet based on Reference resources) has appeared again, in what is a largely unedited format from 2008 – there are a couple of minor question changes.
I have now looked at the 2009 version and added some comments and corrections [in blue text inside square brackets]. There are a couple of items that are not located where the worksheet suggests they might be, and some others where electronic versions are now available.
Dave C.
Central library toilets Level 2
A student has reported a flushing problem in women’s toilets on level 2. I have reported it to FM.
Dave C.
Central – Self Check Out
The lending stats for the year to date have been calculated and we have already managed to reach our goal of 5% self check out. That’s great news. Of course now we have to set a new goal. The self check out machine at the Education Library was used for 19% of the check outs to date. As the libraries are not comparable by size it is not wise to make direct comparisons, however it does demonstrate the library users are making the choice to self check out, once they know how the machine works. There have been 31,856 items check out not including hourly loans from the Central Library and 1,522 of those were on the self check. Let’s aim for 10% shelf check before the end of term 1. Please take the opportunities available to promote the service and demonstrate how to use the machine.
Thanks for the promotion to date. Joan
CD relabelling at the desk
Hi to everyone with lending back-up (LB) shifts on the lending desk.
We are relabelling the CD collection so it is easier to read the labels in the new CD shelves. This is also a good opportunity to replace any broken cases so our CD collection will look good once it is out on the open floor.
A trolley full of CD’s, call number labels, new cases and tattle-tape strips will be left at the LB desk for anyone to play with when it is not busy on the CKO desk. Instructions are on the trolley, see Romy if there is any confusion.
At CKI/returns can people please check to see if any returned CD’s have new labels (labels in the top right hand corner of the cd case). Any without the new labels should be placed in the basket next to the AV shelving basket.
Restricted Loan Film DVD’s have moved
Hi everyone
To keep all restricted loans AV material together – the restriced loan film DVDs [e.g call number (DVD) EDU] and the reclassified documentary DVDs (with LC call numbers), formerly located next to reference interloans shelf, have been moved next to the restriced loan running number sequence AV items – i.e. the shelves next to the lost property cupboard.
Changing paper in CL Self Check
When the CL Self Check machine feels a need for a new role of paper, it sends an email to the Libr276 (Notices) account. Lending staff monitoring this account should pass the message on to either the Lending Backup or CKI person rostered at that time.
The key for the Self Check machine is in the Key Cupboard – see the directory for the number. Take THERMAL paper from our supplies (as directed by the tag on the key) and insert in the Self Check machine. If you need a refresher on this process, see Romy or Helen.
Soci 111 Library exercise
Over the next week the Soci 111 students will be making their way through a library exercise. I’ve strongly encouraged them to ask at the Help Desk if there’s anything they don’t understand about using the Library.
In particular they may need help with using the electronic copy of the Dictionary of Sociology (featured on the Reference page of the Subject Guide), interpreting the chapter reference, and finding the print/ electronic copies of the journal article references.
There is a copy of the exercise on the Help Desk clipboard.
Earring found at Help Desk this morning
Just checking if any staff have lost an earing – gold with turquoisey inset. On my desk if it’s yours.