Category Archives: Central Library

PJH Emergency Evacuation procedures

In conjunction with the casual staff training there will be a session for staff on Wednesday 9th May at 9.45am to explain the emergency evacuation procedures for the Puaka-James High Building.

The session will be in two parts.

First (9.45am-10.15am): practical considerations for evacuating the building. This will be  a walk around to think about the building in terms of needing to evacuate in an emergency (not the building in terms of being a library). If you are an existing staff member or established staff member who has moved into the building you are welcome to come along to refresh your memory.

Second (12.00-12.30): Health and Safety introduction for new casual staff.

Please meet in room 203 (Customer Services) at 9.45am on Wednesday.

Tim O’Sullivan

Fan testing tomorrow (3rd May)

Tomorrow Morning Thursday 3 May  UC Facilities Management will carry out the annual test of the fire fans in Puaka James Hight building. This means the fire fans in the Level 2  ceiling will be running  for approximately 30 minutes followed by the fans in the tower stairs. This will start at 8.00am and be finished by 9.00am.  This work is necessary to complete the Building Warrant of Fitness.

Message from FM (per Tim O’Sullivan)


PJH emergency evacuation procedures

There will be a session for staff on Thursday 15th February at 11.30 to explain the emergency evacuation procedures for the Puaka-James High Building.

The session will be in two parts.

First (11.30-12.00): practical considerations for evacuating the building. This will be  a walk around to think about the building in terms of needing to evacuate in an emergency (not the building in terms of being a library). If you are an existing staff member or established staff member who has moved into the building you are welcome to come along to refresh your memory.

Second (12.00-12.30): Health and Safety introduction for new casual staff.

Please meet in room 203 (Customer Services) at 11.30 on Thursday.

Tim O’Sullivan



The following note has been received from Pat Keogh, University compliance Officer. This is a yearly check required so that the building can be certified safe to occupy. This is usually an un-eventful check but forewarned is forearmed.

Building: Puaka James Hight Library           

System: Manual Fire Alarm  

Date: 29/01/18

Time: 08.00am to 04.00pm

Parts of Premises Affected:  Whole Building

The effect of this shutdown is: The Manual Call Points and Smoke Detectors will not activate the fire sounders or signal the fire service.

The Fire Alarm sounders will operate intermittently during this shutdown.

The fire sprinkler will be operational

This shutdown is to allow Chubb to carry out an annual survey on the building fire system.

In the event of an emergency ring 111 (fire service) and Security (6111) and evacuate the building.

Tim O’Sullivan (on behalf of Pat Keogh)

Health and Safety: Evacuation procedures in the PJH building

On Friday at 10.00am I will introduce some of our new staff from Education and AV to the evacuation procedures in the Puaka-James Hight  building. This will be a walk around to talk through evacuating the building in an emergency situation.

If there is anyone who has worked here for a while who would like to join the walk around you would be most welcome. Please meet in room 203 (Customer Services workroom at 10.00am). It will last 30 minutes.

I will repeat the session next Wednesday (13th December) at 2.00pm starting in the same place.

Tim O’Sullivan

The Fridge

The usual milk fridge in the PJH level 5 staff room has been moved to allow it to defrost.

There is so much ice on the icebox that the door of the fridge was not closing properly and this was leading to more ice buildup inside and a fridge that was working far harder to keep the contents cool.

I’ll wash the whole thing out this afternoon but in the meantime the smoko milk is in the other fridge.

Tim O’Sullivan

Those were the days!

Over the last few days at Central we have been trying to identify the people in this 1985 staff photo. The photo itself is saved here: K:\LIBR-Library\Operations\Photos\staff-photos\Groups


The word document that I used to insert names is also there.

I have yet to ask Robin Stevens if he knows any of the other 15 people who so far are nameless. Andreas was able to give me some names too.

Tim O’Sullivan

Last weeks fire evacuation

Last weeks fire evacuation was the second 2017 trial and it went quite well with and evacuation time of 7minutes 49 seconds. The library was pretty busy at the time.

Thanks to those who picked up paddles and took on the role of floor warden. This is an important part of the evacuation procedure. Any information the floor wardens pass to the building warden will be handed to the Fire Service in the event of an emergency.

Once the floor wardens have checked off their floor their duties continue at the front steps. Even though the  alarm may be turned off the building is not released back to the University until the Fire Brigade give the all clear. This will be relayed around to the front of the building to the floor wardens at the foot of the library steps.

If you are wearing the armband and are holding a paddle  you will look official enough to dissuade students from reentering until the all clear is received.

Tim O’Sullivan

LAWS110 Quiz and Modules

Hi all weekend staff

Our LAWS110 students have been asked to complete three online modules and then a quiz before Monday as part of their course.

We are aware that some students have been having issues accessing these. If you get any questions over the weekend I hope the following will help:

– the modules are on the LAWS110 Learn site – they are under legal research skills on the left hand side.

– the quiz is on the same page as the modules (at the bottom)

– students need to complete the modules before they can access the quiz.

– If they can’t access them because they are getting an update to update Adobe (most often happening in Chrome). They will need to use IE or Firefox. 

– If it doesn’t work on their laptop/PC/device they will need to use the University computers (the modules will work on IE). 

Students have had a large leadin time to make a start on these and have had the last week to undertake the quiz.

Sara and I will both be back at work on Monday at 9am. If they have any other problems please email us and we will answer them then.

