Category Archives: Central Library

Security changes in Central Library

Please read the full outline on Camelot News about changes to security in this building.

Security have designated the North Level 5 door an exit only door. This means that access to the Loft is now only possible from up the Tower stairs or lifts. In the event of a fire alarm this door will unclamp to allow evacuation.

This Friday evening at closing time, the new voice message clearing system will be implemented.

IT Helpdesk Afterhours Advisor

Over the next few weeks, the Central Library Lending desk will be visited by staff from IT Helpdesk who are setting up a workspace for Amy Wilson, the new IT Helpdesk Afterhours Advisor. Deborah Pearson and Chris Rodd will be using the PC at the AV end of the Lending desk so that it can be converted into a IT Help Desk PC from 5 pm to closing time, starting Monday 4/2/08 (the PC will still be running Circulation on Libr071 outside of these times). Deborah, Chris and Amy will be wearing their staff badges when they are here so they are easily recognisable.
There will be more pubicity about this soon.

Lost wallets

Lost wallets – new procedure

• verification of contents (cash in notes only)
• speed of handling

1. When wallet is handed in at the Lending Desk, its contents must be written up and witnessed straight away. If possible, enlist the hander-in (e.g. student, Help Desk staff) as a witness while you record the contents of the wallet. If they are not available, other desk staff, or if the desk is busy call Helen, Victoria or Philip to assist. (Extended hours – call the Supervisor)

2. Note the contents of the wallet (amount of cash in notes only, ignore coins or bankcards etc) and owners name on this form (to be kept on shelves below each PC at CKO).

Name of owner (from any ID in wallet)
Amount of cash (notes only) $
Verified by Security (signature)
Name of Library staff
Name of Witness

3. Take the wallet and the form immediately to Security and hand over.

4. Ask Security staff to count the notes and sign to verify the amount of cash noted on the form. Bring the form back to the Library with you

5. On return to the desk, you will need to add an Alert block to the owner’s record (using the details on the form)
“Wallet found –/–/02. May be claimed from Security”

New Foundation Studies group

Cuiying advises that a new group of around 20 Foundation Studies students will be introduced to the Library tomorrow. To assist these students to learn our ways, please continue to initiate a discussion with any of them who have found themselves with fines. Once they have heard your explanation of how they got a fine and been shown how to renew, they usually have no more problems. As a reward for their attention – feel free to waive those early fines.