Category Archives: Central Library

Chair Cleaning

On Wednesday 2nd of December JAE cleaning services will be here at noon to clean all the lounge chairs on level 2 in the display area. They will also clean the computer chairs. If any staff have swivel chairs that need cleaning please bring them down that afternoon to be cleaned as well.
Tim O’Sullivan

Handryer in level 2 Gents

The hand dryer in the level 2 gents does not automatically switch off. It is currently turned off at the wall but it will probably not be until Monday that FM are able to fix it. Would those Gentlemen staff who work between now and Monday please keep an eye on the dryer and make sure it is turned off especially before hometime.
Tim O’Sullivan

ENNR451 – Engineering in Developing Communities

Students in the above course are raising funds to build a well or a latrine in a developing country for World Vision. They plan to run an op shop to raise the funds. This is a group assignment for ENNR451. The area in the Central Library at front under the Metro screen will be a collection point for clothing from students and staff, from 7 Sept – 15 Sept. Students will empty the collection box each day – however if it is full and requires emptying sooner we can email murni at The actual Op shop will be held on 16 Sept from 12-3 pm at he Engineering Quad or E16 if wet. Hopefully I will have no reason to regret my decision for the collection box to be inside the library. Joan Simpsoin