EBSCO are planning on visiting us and have proposed Thursday 15th September (morning). They describe the sessions as follows: “A training session on EBSCOhost takes 60 – 90 minutes (depending on questions) – and the session provides refresher training, and also covers new/upcoming features to the platform (such as the iPhone App; and eBooks on EBSCOhost). It would be good to go over the EBSCOhost platform with your library staff – and provide the opportunity for attendees to provide feedback and suggestions!
I also understand that you have been trialling Literary Reference Center Plus and Biography Reference Center – and I am more than happy to provide training on these platforms/databases if you’re interested. These sessions take 30 – 45 minutes each (depending on questions/feedback)”.
I will advise when more details come to hand, Tim Stedman
Our Taylor & Francis eBook titles are now available on the MyiLibrary platform. We currently have 89 titles (see these with the Browse all e-books link)
Also provided is a page of Reference Tools (under the Resources tab). Records for titles will be in the Catalogue on Monday.
Please have a look and report any problems to collections@libr. Note, we only have a 5 user licence for the 8 textbook titles (unlimited users for the rest).
“Project MUSE has released a beta web site previewing its combined digital book and journal content. The beta site will be available through the end of this year, allowing scholars, librarians, and students to become familiar with the newly enhanced platform before the changeover to accommodate MUSE’s forthcoming eBook Collections on January 1, 2012.”
Encyclopaedia Britannica has made available to EPIC member libraries a trial to their new resource Image Quest.
“With the emphasis very much on copyright and the issues arising from the misuse of images from the internet, Britannica has provided institutions with a perfect solution in Image Quest. With over 2 million high quality images reproduced at 150 dpi from over 50 providers and 30 subject categories, Image Quest provides a fast, safe and simple search across broad or specific search terms. All images are rights-cleared for non-commercial, educational use — great for teacher lesson plans, assignments, activities, and whiteboards; student reports and projects; or university/school Web sites, newsletters, newspapers, flyers, and bulletins.”
Early next week Summon search results will display differently in order to “improve the scanability of the search results, provide linkable subject terms, enable further configurability of call number display and provide correct wording for the availability of non-textual items such as music and photographs.”
This means that the labels (author, subjects, content type, availability) will be gone; subjects will be clickable links; the call no. (currently found on the preview screen) will display beside the availability message (if configured); the graphic will read “Online” (rather than “Full Text Online”) and be a better depiction of content type.
The title-level links for selected Gale databases are either not working or else are not working properly. Serials Solutions is aware of the situation, and is currently working with Gale on a fix. The databases affected are as follows:
Thus, if a link from Summon fails, please direct people to go directly to Academic OneFile or General OneFile and search for the article from there. Also, in the meantime, some links are being directed to the old InfoTrac platform.