We have received more offers of free access to eBooks (all until 31 December): all SpringerLink eBook Collections, Oxford Scholarship Online and Cambridge Books Online (to be activated)
Access to SpringerLink eBooks is indicated within Springer by a green icon and should be appearing in Summon. Oxford Scholarship Online needs password access until mid October. Details are available on the Journal Logins page (linked from the Catalogue record) and these will be removed once our direct access has been set up.
eBook records for most of the (earthquake) extra titles are being progressively loaded into the Catalogue. This means that you will be able to use the option on 360 Link to “Search Library Catalogue for print copy” (Search by title is usually the best option) to see if we do have alternative access.
Reminder: not all eBook packages will be found in Summon. You need to go to the collections themselves for Palgrave, Taylor & Francis, CRCnetBase and Emerald. (These don’t have records in the Catalogue for individual titles yet either)