Category Archives: Electronic Resources

Research for Libraries

We now have access to the Business Insights and Access Asia range of reports.

Business Insights provides market research reports for consumer goods, drug discovery, energy, financial services, healthcare and technology. Each report is “…based upon unique market research and provides detailed analyses of major markets. While examining the market dynamics and assessing the relative strengths and weaknesses of the key players, your users will be provided with forecasts for market size, growth and composition.” More information

Access Asia provides Asian market intelligence and includes “…detailed industry and consumer market reports; company profiles of industry leaders in the region; biographies of key business and political figures and Asian country profiles.” More information

The interactive functionality of the BI site allows you to translate reports into 9 languages, including Spanish, German, French, and more, design your own report and compare graphs and datasets in a split screen display.

Access Business Insights via the Catalogue or the Databases-B page


Oxford Reference Online

The latest update has added three new titles —

A Dictionary of Hinduism
The Oxford Companion to Australian Military History
The New Oxford Dictionary for Scientific Writers and Editors

and 7 new editions —

A dictionary of psychology
A dictionary of physics
The concise Oxford dictionary of politics
The kings and queens of Britain
A dictionary of business and management
The Oxford dictionary of art and artists
The Oxford guide to United States Supreme Court decisions


Australia/NZ Reference Centre links

Currently, we are unable to link directly to newspaper titles in the EBSCO Australia/NZ Reference Centre. EBSCO are aware of this but have not yet made available persistent URLs for newspapers in the same way as they have for journals. In the meantime, a member library of EPIC (Electronic Purchasing In Collaboration) has made available the URLs they constructed. I have tweeked them, checked them and added them to the Catalogue.

Titles include all NZ (that are in ANZRC) and most major Australian and Pacific newspapers, a few Asian titles and the UK Times. If you know of any other titles, please let me know.

Continue reading Australia/NZ Reference Centre links

OvidSP enhancements

The following OvidSP enhancements will be available tomorrow:

Customizable Search Fields – Display frequently used fields in a new MyFields tab. Easily add or remove all other fields, now located in a Show All tab, based on your preferences.
New Limits – Limit to Star Ranking (i.e., generate results with a specific ranking) and Date Last (i.e., select current, as in 2006-Current)
Quarterly AutoAlerts – Set up saved searches, journal eTOCs and AutoAlerts to arrive on a quarterly basis.
Improved highlighting in search results – User-entered terms will be highlighted in bold red and expanded terms will be highlighted in bold green.
New Links – Links to PDFs of full-text articles, when available, in citations. Links to full text or the citation are now included when you export a citation to your citation manager or email to colleagues.
Knowledge Base – Link in upper-right corner now reads Support & Training


Springer and Article Linker

When our Springer subscription was changed this year (see last year’s post) we lost the ability to have our Springer titles displaying a direct link to the article in Article Linker search results. Now only a Journal link will appear for virtually all searches involving Springer titles.

The reason for this is because it is a consortial account – Council of Australian University Librarians (CAUL) – outside the scope of the Serials Solutions knowledgebase. I’ve contacted Serials Solutions about it and they are investigating if it is possible to add the CAUL account to the existing Springer linking mechanism so that we regain article-level links.

Until this happens, Article Linker will take you to the Journal table of contents instead of to the article itself.


JSTOR Additions

The following journals have been added to JSTOR:

Titles will be available via the Journals page next week, and added to the Catalogue mid-April.


E-Resources Updates

A few recent changes and additions –

New subscriptions:

  • Blackwell Reference Online, 16 eBooks from the Classics Collection
  • ENGnetBASE, 1110 engineering handbooks and reference titles from CRC Press
  • Literature Online (LION), updates our individual literature collections from Chadwyck-Healey to a suite of 21 literature collections and reference resources, all searchable via LION

Additions to resources:

  • Web of Knowledge can now be used in a Chinese Simplified interface (select the link next to the View in text that appears at the bottom of any product page)
  • Royal Society eJournals have moved to the Highwire Press platform where all journal content, 1665 to present, is loaded

Other resources:

  • AuthorMapper: Springer has launched AuthorMapper, “a free interactive tool that visualizes scientific research areas and trends in an easy and refined way. It will assist the scientific research community by plotting authors, subjects and institutions on a world map as well as identifying scientific trends through timeline graphs, statistics and regions.”
  • Gale has put together free resources for Womens history month
  • Scitopia, a portal to the digital libraries of leading science and technology societies, has added an alerting service

Coming enhancements:

  • OvidSP

(Details to follow)


JSTOR Updates

19 titles have been added to JSTOR:

Titles will be available via the Journals page next week, and added to the Catalogue mid-April.


Open Access Journals

Open Journal Systems (OJS) is a journal management and publishing system that has been developed by the Public Knowledge Project.

“The Public Knowledge Project is dedicated to improving the scholarly and public quality of research. It operates through a partnership among the Faculty of Education at the University of British Columbia, the Simon Fraser University Library, the School of Education at Stanford University, and the Canadian Centre for Studies in Publishing at Simon Fraser University. The partnership brings together faculty members, librarians, and graduate students dedicated to exploring whether and how new technologies can be used to improve the professional and public value of scholarly research.” Read the complete description at About PKP

Serials Solutions has recently included this provider in their Knowledgebase. Please have a look at the OJS Journals list and let me know of any titles you would be interested in having access to via the Catalogue and Article Linker. The list is by no means exhaustive, so if you know of other titles, please let me know the title(s), coverage dates, and URL(s). We should show our support for such projects by adding good quality open access titles to our Catalogue whenever possible.


Factiva changes

Changes are coming to Factiva:

The Search Builder page and Search 2.0 will be merged onto one page, which will provide the option of three search forms, Simple Search, Search Builder, and the new Search Builder form.

Simple search offers the search that was found in Search 2.0, with the addition of being able to search the complete content archive and can use all the printing, sharing and publishing options of

Search Builder is designed for experienced researchers and allows you to use Boolean search logic, fields and Factiva taxonomy. No changes have been made to this, but discovery and multimedia will be included in search results. You can choose options such as all of these words, one or more of these words and the exact wording or phrase when building a search.

The Factiva Discovery Pane will be included in all search results so users will have the benefit of the traditional textual search results and the visual results.

Article De-duplication
Article de-duplication has been enhanced in Search and Alert to include the following languages: French, German, Russian, and Spanish.

These enhancements will be available in Factiva early next week.
