Category Archives: Electronic Resources

JSTOR additions

23 titles have been added to JSTOR recently:

Titles are available via the Journals page and will be added to the Catalogue mid-March.


Electronic Resources Updates

Five of ACM’s magazines are now available in the ACM Digital Library in a new digital format, in addition to the standard html and .pdf options.

ACM magazines now available in Digital Edition format in the ACM DL:
Communications of the ACM

The Journal on Educational Resources in Computing (JERIC) will become ACM Transactions on Computing Education (TOCE) beginning with the February 2009 issue (Volume 9, Number 1). Topics covered will expand to cover “…diverse aspects of computing education: traditional computer science, computer engineering, software engineering, information technology, and informatics; emerging aspects of computing; and applications of computing to other disciplines, such as computational biology.”

Research MUSEings vodcasts (video podcasts) are now offered by Project MUSE. The latest vodcast is Discovering Linked Subject Headings, a “quick tutorial about the benefits of using MUSE’s linked subject headings and a lighthearted approach to demystifying the concept of Library of Congress Subject Headings as they appear in MUSE.”

If you are interested in social networking tools, MUSE has a page on Facebook and is also tweeting on Twitter.

Chadwyck-Healey Individual Literature Collections are being made available via the Literature Online platform, where they will be cross-searchable and linked to EEBO texts and JSTOR. Our upgraded subscription also includes 236 full-text literature journals, criticism and reference resources, and Poets On Screen (poets reading their own and other poets’ work). More information

Ovid has created an Understanding Basic Search Information Sheet (PDF). “The sheet is designed to provide end users with all they need to know to make the best use of Basic Search, and features details on relevancy ranking, best practices, as well as screenshots of a sample search…” A full list of Training Resources can be found in the Training section of the OvidSP Resource Center.

Finally, for a reminder of solutions to common problems encountered by students see a previous post covering Factiva, SciFinder and IE security warnings.



Our access to some products on SourceOECD has been lost. Users may find resources which they were able to access now have a frowning face rather than a smiley one. I have followed it up and hopefully full access will be restored asap.

In the meantime, the following are available via IngentaConnect:


Oxford Reference Online

The latest update has added five new titles —

* The New Encyclopedia of Insects and their Allies
* The Oxford Guide to Literary Britain and Ireland
* A Dictionary of Education
* The Oxford Companion to Local and Family History
* The Oxford Companion to Global Change

and 5 new editions —

* The Oxford Dictionary of Proverbs
* A dictionary of zoology
* A dictionary of food and nutrition
* A dictionary of economics
* A dictionary of sociology


JSTOR pamphlet collections

JSTOR is currently adding primary sources of digitised materials from leading UK libraries. At the end of January, the first set of 8,200 pamphlets was made available and will be followed by regular releases of additional material. This content, ultimately more than 20,000 19th Century British pamphlets, is freely accessible until 30 June 2009.

Pamphlets come from: University of Newcastle, Durham University, University of Manchester, University College London, University of Liverpool, London School of Economics and Political Science, University of Bristol. More information

Also, terms on JSTOR have been changed to more accurately reflect the expanding types of content held:

  • Articles are now referred to as items, in most places
  • Journals are now called titles
  • Citation Locator was previously called Article Locator
  • The Article tab is now called the Items tab
  • Content (in About JSTOR) was previously Journals


Project MUSE

As part of a pilot program to determine the feasibility of expanding coverage to include back issues, Project MUSE has released the back issues of nine of its long-held journals. This means that the complete run of eight of the titles is now available.

As well as access to current issues, we now have access to back issues of:

Children’s Literature (v. 1 1972 – v. 30 2002)

Children’s Literature Association Quarterly (v. 1 1976 – v. 30 2005)

The Emily Dickinson Journal (v. 1 1992 – v. 6 1997)

Journal of Early Christian Studies (v. 1 1993 – v. 3 1995)

Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal (v. 1 1991 – v. 5 1995)

The Lion and the Unicorn (v. 1 1977 – v. 18 1994)

MFS Modern Fiction Studies (v. 31 1985 – v. 40 1994)

Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology (v. 1 1994 – v. 2 1995)


Electronic Resources Updates (2)

Astrophysical journal is now available through IOP (formerly access was through University of Chicago Press)

We now have current access to the following American Statistical Association publications:

Journal of the American Statistical Association
Journal of agricultural, biological and environmental statistics
Journal of business & economic statistics
Journal of computational and graphical statistics

And access to the three journals published by Human Kinetics:

Journal of applied biomechanics
Journal of sport & exercise psychology
Pediatric exercise review

And two new Palgrave Macmillan titles:

Psychoanalysis, culture & society