Category Archives: Engineering Library

23 Things part 3 – Making a blog

Now we get into the fun stuff. 🙂 You’ve all used Counterculture and/or Cog ‘n Blog – now it’s time to create your own. It’ll only take you a few minutes – and most of that time will be coming up with a username and password.

Optional: start by reading and listening to the post at the original 23 things website.

Mandatory 🙂 – Now go to Blogger. (Or you could try LiveJournal or WordPress – they all do the same basic things but have different extra features. I recommend playing with something you haven’t used before – so I’m going to be trying out WordPress.)

On Blogger, just click the orange arrow to create your blog in three easy steps:

  • create an account (creating your username and password – this is your name, not your blog’s. If you already have a Gmail account, you can use the same username and password.)
  • create a blog (creating a title for the blog and the address for it)
  • choose a template (the look and feel of the blog – pick one out of the many examples they have – you can change it later if you want)

And you have a blog!

Finally, to add a post click the “New post” – type up a test message – and click the “Publish post” button. Then “View Blog” to see what it looks like… and if you’re brave, share the address with us!

Full text on Compendex

A student was asking this morning about a ‘full text’ link in Compendex (using the yellow button), which was taking him to another website which in turn had subscription access only.

I asked Deirdre about this and she’s explained that:

“Those yellow full text links go through CrossRef – sometimes we get access, sometimes we don’t, it depends whether we subscribe. I think there may be more connections than refusals so it warrants having it available as well as Article Linker.”