Category Archives: Engineering Library

“23 Things” #2 – Lifelong Learning

Thing #2 is about reviewing the ideas behind lifelong learning. Tasks are:

  1. listen and read the PLCMC Library post (optional)
  2. follow the “Seven and 1/2 Habits of Highly Successful Lifelong Learners” tutorial (about 14 minutes)
  3. As you’re following the tutorial, write down which habit among the 7 & 1/2 is easiest for you and which is hardest.
  4. Post a comment here – either comment on the ‘lifelong learning’ tutorial or just say you’re ready for thing #3. (Comments can be anonymous.)

Have fun!

(If you missed it, Thing #1 is here, but you’re probably safe to skip it if you want.)

“23 Things” part 1

As per our meeting Wednesday when we talked about exploring new ideas and technologies, here’s the first of 23 things to ‘play’ with:

The first ‘thing’ is just reading this blog post from the library that started it all and listening to the podcast (click the pink arrow and turn your volume up – the voice is pretty quiet).

You can also see the outline of the full original program here – I’m happy to modify it if people want (to skip something or add something else, otherwise we can just follow along.

Assignment #1 🙂 – post a comment here telling me when I should post the second ‘thing’…

AS/NZS 1170

The various parts of these are very popular at the moment. Multiple copies of 1170.5 are among the standards on the non-library book shelves. I’ve just pulled the other parts out of the Antarctic room and put them in the unpacking room with a note not to reshelve them until the fuss dies down, so they’ll be easy to grab when needed.

Batstation troubleshooting

The mouse on the Batstation facing the South wall often stops working. Just grab the keys and unplug and replug it and it should work again (it has a usb connection).

There isn’t much room in the case, so please make sure you pull the wiring and mesh bag round the side of the computer so the cooling fan is clear and has some space between it and the case or it gets too hot.