Category Archives: Health and Safety

H&S updates for libraries

This is the current list of First Aiders, wardens and Health and Safety Reps.

The file is saved here: K:\LIBR-Library\Health-Safety\FirstAid\First Aiders Building wardens update August 2015.docx

If there are any updates or corrections please let me know.
Tim O’Sullivan

First Aid Certificate holders – Puaka-James Hight Building Expiry
Adrienne Doyle Copy Centre- level 1 20/09/2015
Sandra Gover Level 2 Puaka-James Hight building 19/02/2017
Sue Lloyd Level 2 Puaka-James Hight building 7/8/16
Beth Mannix Level 2 Puaka-James Hight building 14/10/2015
Isabel Milward Level 2 Puaka-James Hight building 27/06/2016
Donna Thompson Level 5 Puaka-James Hight building 21/10/2016
Mariko Yoshioka Level 5 Puaka-James Hight building 5/05/2017
Nicole Moffat Level 5 Puaka-James Hight building 19/02/2017
Romy Forrer Level 5 Puaka-James Hight building 26/02/2017
Joan Simpson Level 5 Puaka-James Hight building 20/04/2017
Janette Nicolle Level 5 Puaka-James Hight building 22/11/2015
Gerald Whitla Level 5 Puaka-James Hight building 27/02/2016
Anton Angelo Level 5 Puaka-James Hight building 27/02/2016
Theresa Buller Level 5 Puaka-James Hight building 27/06/2016
Felicity Watson Level 5 Puaka-James Hight building 2/07/2016


Wardens – Puaka-James Hight Building
Gregor RonaldJacqui CainElliot FellowsGerald Whitla Library – Floor 5 Floor Wardens
First person to the board Library – Floors 6-11 Floor Warden
Tim O’Sullivan Library Building Warden
Angela Berry (deputy) Library Building Warden (deputy)
Jack Arron (assistant) Library Building Warden (assistant)
Fiona Gurnsey Level 1 (UCSA Office) Floor Warden
Sara Smith Level 1 (UCSA Office) Floor Warden
Nikita Taylor Undercroft West end (Shilling Club) Floor Warden
Evan Moran Undercroft West end (shilling Club) Floor warden
First persons to uplift the paddles James Hight Library – Floors 2-4 Floor Wardens


Health and Safety Representatives – Puaka-James Hight building
Tim O’Sullivan Level 2 Library
Gregor Ronald Level 5 Library (Electronic Learning)
Gerald Whitla Level 5 Library


First Aid Certificate holders Education Library Expiry
Jane Agnew Education Library 26/05/2015
Kim Allan Education Library 27/06/2016
Margaret Paterson Education or EPS Library 14/10/2016
Jane Agnew Education Library 26/05/2015


Building warden Education Library
Jane Agnew Building Warden


Health and Safety Representative Education Library
Jane Agnew Library


First Aid Certificate holders EPS Library Expiry
Margaret Paterson Education or EPS Library 14/10/2016
David Lane EPS library 23/06/2017
Sheila Nokes EPS library 21/02/2016
Nichola Ross EPS library 21/10/2016
Nicola Smith EPS library 28/11/2016


Wardens EPS library
Jenny Owens Building Warden
First to the board Deputy Building Warden


Health and Safety Representatives EPS library
Jenny Owens EPS Library


First Aid Certificate holders MB Library Expiry
Erin Kimber 26/05/2015
Swee Hoon Goh 7/08/2016
Caroline Syddall 14/10/2016


Wardens MB library
Erin Kimber   Floor warden


Health and Safety Representatives MB library
Swee Hoon Goh MB library


August 2015

After Hours Medical advice, and pharmacies

Jude Kirk (Practice Manager, UC Health Centre) confirmed that it is possible to obtain medical advice during Extended Hours – for International students, and students who are enrolled with the Health Centre. The contact information for a trained health professional at the Health Centre is 364 2402, or 6402 from a campus phone.

For students not enrolled at the Health Centre the recommendation is that they contact their own GP who will have other support information on their answerphone.

Enquiries for help can also be directed to:
•Riccarton Clinic : 4 Yaldhurst Road (Church Cnr) – open every day until 8pm. Their pharmacy is open daily until 8:30pm.
Phone: 03- 343 3661
•24 Hour Surgery : Cnr Bealey Avenue and Colombo Street, Christchurch 8014.
Phone: 03-365 7777
•Urgent Pharmacy : 931 Colombo St – Open daily until11pm.
Phone: 03-366 4439.

I have also noticed on the Health Centre’s webpage ( ) that they have extended hours during Exams: Open until 5:30 or 6pm; and Saturdays 8:30am – 6pm

Please note that out there ‘somewhere’ is information that the UC Pharmacy is open until 11pm – this is not correct!


H&S Initiatives for 2015 – call for ideas!

Hi all

The Library H&S committee would be pleased to hear any ideas you may have, in keeping with the theme of ‘health and wellbeing’ that we can develop for our programme for this year. Please email me any suggestions you might have – perhaps you have seen activities in other workplaces or when you are out and about, family and friends have talked about activities where they work etc. All suggestions received with interest! These will be discussed at our next meeting, scheduled for March.

Many thanks

Fumigation during Christmas break

We have been advised that the following areas are to be fumigated on Wednesday 24th December 2014:

Macmillan Brown Library
Library Warehouse
Central Library (excluding Level 5)
DB07 Artstore

The chemical used is called Permigas; we have a chemical datasafety sheet for this chemical at K:\LIBR-Library\health_and_safety_HR143\Fumigation\permigas_info;
As there is 12 days between the fumigation and staff returning to work in the buildings I would expect any residues from the fumigation to have dissipated.

Any questions please let me know.

Success for the Library H&S team

At the recent University Health and Safety function the library Health and Safety Committee was awarded three prizes for excellence in Health and Safety. The awards were made by Paul Coleman of Think What if who are external Health and Safety Assessors.
The contest was between the various University units and the Library won an award for the first quarter submission of Hazard Risk assessments and also for the second quarter submission which was task analysis plans.
The overall prize for the best all round submissions was awarded to the Library and is valued at $250.00 plus a stuffed kiwi.
Congratulations to the Library H&S team who are Coral Black, Isabel Milward, Jane Agnew, Gerald Whitla, Swee Hoon Goh, Anne Scott, Jenny Owens, Joan Simpson and Tim O’Sullivan.

Workplace Massage

Hi Library Folks,

On 30th of September we trialled a workplace massage, partially subsidised by money granted to us from the Health and Safety Award. 12 lucky people each got a 15 minute discounted session with Debbie, a massage therapist, from BodyWorkz. As there was a positive response we’ve decided to go ahead and provide another partially subsidised session before Christmas

When: Thursday, 4th of December, 9.30am-12.15
Location: Puaka-James Hight, Level 5, Room 524A (meeting room 9)
Cost: $10 for 15 minutes

There are 12 time-slots up for grabs so contact myself or Felicity if you’re keen. Priority will be given to those who missed out last time. If you are a second-timer, let us know if you are interested and we’ll get in contact with you regarding time-slots later next week

If you miss out this time as we hope to hold other sessions next year

Get in early to grab a spot!

