If you experience any discomfort, pain or injury you need to fill out an Event Report Form. Even minor muscle discomfort that comes and goes is worth reporting. It is better to report things before they become more serious.
If you are experiencing discomfort it is advisable to fill out an Event Report Form before you ask for an ergonomic assessment of your work area.
The Event Report Form can be found on the Camelot Health and Safety Page or the HR Health & Safety page.
Sustaining a healthy work life. (From the ACC site www.worksmarttips.co.nz)
Sleeping Well, Eating Well and Exercise are three keys.
Try to get 8 hours sleep per night. Sleep-debt stresses your body and mind.
Healthy foods provide energy to function and nutrients to help you stay well.
30 minutes exercise a day helps keep you well.
Drink at least 1.5-2 litres of water per day.
Welcome back, and I hope you have all had some rest amongst the festivities.
January is a month where we will accomplish a number of projects across the library. Being mindful of dpi as we commence these tasks will help ensure a healthier outcome for us all.
The following are some reminders to ensure that tips:
1. Be prepared for your contribution to the project – know in advance of your rostered time to a project
2. Wear appropriate clothing and footwear for the task
3. Ensure you take a rest – and ensure you relax during your lunch and tea breaks
4. Work steadily through the project, either individually or as a group, and if as a group, ensuring that all the group support each other as they work through the tasks
5. Be aware of the load on your body eg. wrists, shoulders, and to stop if you feel any pain
6. Keep hydrated
7. Let the project supervisor know if there are problems with the workflows or any issues that arise.
Christmas comes apace/ Hence the annual race/ to contact kith and kin/ and hope that we’re still in/ their good books, though we rarely write/ And never contact them by Skype
Whether you’re driving to visit the rellies at Christmas or heading for your favourite holiday destination, remember..…driving and fatigue are a dangerous mix. If you begin to feel drowsy:
* Boost energy levels
* Increase alertness
* Improve memory
* Help concentration
Pull over and take a ‘power nap’.
Stay safe out there and Happy Christmas!
The minutes of the Service Group 2 Health and Safety Committee held on Friday 1st of November are now available on the H&S Website.
An item that may be of interest is the changes made by the City Council to the layout of Ilam Road between the Creyke Road Corner and Rountree Street. Matt Morris of the UC sustainability Office is collecting information on incidents since the introduction of the new layout.
There is legislation being introduced into the NZ Parliament to replace the Health and Safety in employment Act (1992) and a summary of the proposed changes is also on the H&S website. This is the legislative response to the Pike River Disaster and will mean major changes to the legislative framework of Health and Safety. Our Health and Safety team are confident that the University will be in a good position to meet the challenges of the new act which will come into force at the end of 2014.
> Dehydration can make you fatigued; affect your judgement, cause cramps, heat stress or
heatstroke.Even low levels of dehydration can cause problems
> The amount of water you require will vary depending on the work undertaken,individual
characteristics, temperature etc. But if you are
doing strenuous work,you should have at least
500ml (around 3 glasses) per hour
> Even without strenuous work, a person requires around 1.5 to 2 litres of water per day
> Coffee/tea/fizzy-drinks do not count as water
replacement. In fact,these drinks can make you
lose water.
The next meeting of the Health and Safety Service Group 2 committee will be held on Friday 1st November at 10.00am in Erskine room 121. Both Wendy Wu and Hubert Thomas are Central Library reps on this committee and for Macmillan Brown the rep is Bronwyn Matthews, for EPS, Jenny Owens and for Education, Jane Agnew. This committee has an overview of Health and Safety in the Learning Resources Area of which the Library is part. Normal issues of Health and safety are dealt with through event reports, hazard assessment and control reports and BIEMS works requests. The Committee is interested in the whole Health and Safety Culture of which those things are a part so if any one has any issues that should be brought up at the meeting please speak to the Rep in your department or contact me.
Tim O’Sullivan
Remember to take Micropauses when busy with work. Relax and drop your arms, shoulders and neck, take a few deep breaths and allow blood flow back into those tense muscles.
Try to micropause for 10 seconds every 10 mins during stressful periods, and particularly if you are feeling any pain or stiffness in your joints.
The minutes for H & S Service group 2 committee are now available here
The next meeting for this group is Friday 2nd of August. All staff are able to bring items of interest to these meetings through their area representative.