Category Archives: Health and Safety

H&S updates for libraries

This is the current list of Floor Wardens, building Wardens and first Aid certificate holders.

If there are any  update please let me know. Thanks.

H&S reps, please place a copy on your noticeboards.

Tim O’S

First Aid Certificate holders – Central Library Expiry
Rebecca Fisher Level 2 Puaka-James Hight 28/11/2019
Kim Hall Level 5 Puaka-James Hight 13/07/2020
Sara Roberts Level 5 Puaka-James Hight 13/07/2020
Felicity Watson Level 5 Puaka-James Hight 23/08/2020
Lisa Davies Level 5 Puaka-James Hight 09/10/2020
Margaret Paterson Level 5 Puaka-James Hight 21/01/2021
Hugh Joughin Level 2 Puaka-James Hight 11/02/2021
Juliet Lackersteen Level 2 Puaka-James Hight 30/01/2021
Romy Forrer Level 5 Puaka-James Hight 11/03/2021
Sue Thompson Level 5 Puaka-James Hight 11/03/2021
Nicole Moffat Level 5 Puaka-James Hight 10/06/2021
Jaqui Cain Financial Services, level 5 PJH 14/04/2021
Denise Maher Copy Centre, level 2 PJH 24/07/2021
Theresa Buller Level 5 Puaka-James Hight 24/07/2021
Donna Thompson Level 5 Puaka-James Hight 21/09/2020
Pinelopi Zaka Level 5 Puaka-James Hight 09-10-2010
Building and floor wardens – PJH Central Library
Donna Thompson

Jacqui Cain (FS)

Allan Feng (FS)

Library – Floor 5 Floor Wardens
First person to the board Library – Floors 6-11 Floor Warden
Tim O’Sullivan Library Building Warden
Angela Berry Library Building Warden (deputy)
Jack Arron Library Building Warden (assistant)
Angel Nicholson
Jacqui Tither
Library level 3 Floor wardens
Nikita Taylor,

Chris Berkett

Undercroft Cafés lower level Floor Warden
Michelle Johnstone (Shilling Club manager)

Shilling Club staff

Undercroft Shilling Club end upper level Floor warden
Eva Brown.

LR Directorate Office

Undercroft East end upper level Floor warden
First persons to uplift the paddles Puaka-James Hight – Floors 2 & 4 Floor Wardens


Library Health and Safety Representatives
Tim O’Sullivan Level 2 Central Library
Dave Lane   EPS library
Swee Hoon Goh   MB library
Sue Thompson Level 5 Central Library


First Aid Certificate holders (EPS Library) Expiry
Kiera Tauro   13/02/2020
Building wardens EPS building
Jenny Owens Building Warden
First to the board Deputy Building Warden


First Aid Certificate holders (Macmillan Brown Library) Expiry
Swee Hoon Goh   21/09/2020
Gabrielle Faith   13/07/2020
Building wardens Macmillan Brown Library
Jamie Hape Building Warden
Swee Hoon Goh Floor warden


Library H&S Committee
Sara Roberts (Chair),

Sue Thompson

Hugh Joughin

Dave Lane

Tim O’Sullivan

Pinelopi Zaka

Swee Hoon Goh


Other Library H&S Groups

DPI Group
Tim Stedman (chair)

Nicola Smith

Felicity Watson

Jane Agnew

Swee Hoon Goh


Building safe zones in the event of an emergency on campus

UC security and UC H&S will be holding sessions to discuss safe zones within  buildings in the event of an emergency or lockdown. The sessions will be hosted by Arthur Dredge and Grant Craig.

These sessions are to support the new emergency flip charts that have been distributed throughout the university  which mention “building safe spots” (on the lockdown tab).


Forestry F3 lecture Theatre

Session times:

Session one: Thursday 5th September, 10.30 to 11.30am

Session two: Thursday 5th September, 1 to 2pm.

Invitations have been sent to all Health and safety reps but others who are interested are welcome.

Tim O’Sullivan

Are You Ready For The Challenge?

The Australasian University Health Challenge is about to kick off on the 19th of August. If you haven’t signed up yet then head on over to website to get your step by step instructions on how to be involved. Join the other 113 other University of Canterbury participants who have said yes to the challenge.

If you still need some more motivation on joining then have a look at our Facebook below. You can have a chance to win a brand new Fitbit Charge 2 worth $269.99.[0]=68.ARCYOOhkDDk1eJ02sDlmCyfMX6TiTbiyKQuMI-47ksrsC32t3-OjVuqU_Ss0bcv37GK-fEpUnVyytHak0mctfJshXWEENNFUHFrp1_XjaDvDMVVqUoIdKGkTlhvl3CwXxYGySnfSArJVivb8gklVOMBar8EToonCwNWnkP1oy_tObU5h9Tv0Lre-Oy-KnF8f8nAtbYxFeQpglkhiBxOvchuJvR_AQ0fvp5vKomY5FKuaA-sL3X9OBNEwDudEyJPqStZIxib-yPUP2wvFCNNHmOVvxts8xH48iznomKmEyuvOTwytR2Rz26LFLQAfo0D0FMWyujvEYJJ3ENuQ1SObwco3SvNhepXoybH8avu9xqozFDq5GwdumXtLH9Mm0yJ1hxfoxwdS6v8Q0SuvlxSSWeWyZweHlf6guQZT2_8ZNf7mvlor7wrNerAbNHQ8LNcwZcudjPggZdnjTe_N5LoZNlyvdXNUA06sy8J4Au8xkBVT5-pDQvWXuXzM&__tn__=-R

The challenge is not only just for steps either. You can record other forms of activities such as biking, swimming, or even volleyball. As long as you are physical active you can add it to your daily step count through the online physical activity to steps converter.

Remember keeping consistent and motivated is always better with a friend. Find someone who will keep you accountable and this challenge may change your life.

DPI (Discomfort, Pain and Injury) refresher sessions

This is an advance notice that the DPI Awareness team will be running DPI refresher sessions for Library Staff on the following dates:

Tuesday 2nd July 9:30-10:30am (Macmillan Brown PS208)
Wednesday 3rd July 11am-12pm (Puaka James Hight Poutama 888)
Thursday 4th July 2-3pm (Puaka James Hight Poutama 388)

Click one of the links above to book in for a session

Come along and hear about how you can help prevent DPI while at work.

Please attend if you are due for a refresher. You can find out if you are due for a refresher – there’s a register here (K:/LIBR-Library/Health-Safety/Staff_induction _training_and_duties/LIBRARY_TRAINING_REGISTER.xlsx). 52 library staff are due for DPI refresher training this year.

The DPI team is aware that these dates won’t work for everyone and so we expect to run an additional session(s) later in the year for those who can’t make any of the July dates.  However, if you can attend one of these dates we would appreciate it so we can keep the number of additional sessions required to a reasonable minimum.

Health and Safety training 2019

The 2019 H&S Training Schedule has been finalised and enrolments are now open for the H&S Core Training.

  • Comprehensive First Aid (Unit Standards 06400, 06401, 06402)  – If your role requires that you have First Aid Certification please enrol onto this course. Enrolments for General First Aiders are reviewed, and approved based on the level of cover per area. If you have several First Aiders in your area your enrolment may not be approved.
  • First Aid Revalidation – If you are a First Aid Certificate holder please check you expiry date (can be found here), and book onto a corresponding Revalidation course. You have 3 months from the expiry of your certificate to revalidate, otherwise you will need to take the 2 day Comprehensive course.
  • Field Activities Training – If your role requires you be a Field Activity Leader or Deputy Leader, you will need ensure that you have attended the Field Activity Training.  If you have not attended the training in over 2 years, now would be a good time to refresh your training. Should anything happen on any Field Trip that you are leading the investigators will be looking at your training record to ensure that you have met your obligations.
  • Fire Extinguisher and Evacuation Training – This course is relevant to all staff, particularly named Building and Floor wardens, but as important to any staff who work in areas that are ‘First to Armband’ such as teaching spaces. It is facilitated by Fire Fighting Pacific, and includes a practical Fire Extinguisher use, which increases your confidence to pick up an extinguisher and use it to clear your exit if needed.
  • Risk Management – This course should be attended by all staff who identify, control, and monitor hazards and risks in their area of work (that is possibly everyone).
  • Health and Safety Rep Training – Please contact Angie Willington for information relating to your H&S Rep training.

Please discuss your training requirements with your manager and complete any enrolments via UCPeople. If you have any questions regarding enrolling in a course please contact, or phone Marjorie Blake.​

Tim O’Sullivan (on behalf of H&S Central)