Category Archives: Health and Safety

Health & Safety refresher

Thank-you to those who have completed the online Health & Safety Refresher.  It appears that some staff have completed watching the video, but did not fill out the form at the end with their details and click submit.

If you have not submitted your details, there is no record that it is completed.  If you are in this category please either email Jenny or go to the Refresher page again, scroll to end and fill in your details and submit.

It is a requirement that we keep accurate records of staff who complete  Health & Safety refresher or other training. Training must be updated every 2 years.

Here is a link to the Refresher

A reminder to do this training, if you have not done so already, and don’t forget to go right to the end and submit your details.


Coffee issues on the stairs

Our colleagues who we share Central library with have mentioned that there has been an issue with coffee spills in the lift lobby of the level 1 North West Staff entrance.

In the unlikely event that this happens there is a bucket and some Handee towels on the landing beside the mail boxes. If you need help with the cleaning please let me know.

In general it has been recognized through scientific observation that stairs and coffee don’t mix well either…

Tim O’Sullivan

World Mental Health Day

News from the UC Health and Safety Team

“UC is in the process of developing a UC Wellbeing Strategy for our community. While this is underway the strategy group have identified an opportunity to promote Wellbeing on campus from the 10th to the 14th of October, to align with the NZ  Mental Health Awareness Week. This also happens to coincides with the week before exams which can be a stressful time for some…  The theme for this week is to connect with nature.

In order to support this initiative please find attached a schedule of events as well as suggestions for activities you may want to engage with in your teams. Please note these are only suggestions so feel free to come up with your own ideas.

On that note it would be great to see what you get up to, so feel free to send your photos to the Health & Safety Shared mailbox

The information files are saved here: UC Wellbeing Tips Posters (these are particularly good posters) and here MHAW ideas for your department

Tim O’Sullivan


First Aid Certificates

The Health and Safety Team maintain a list of current First Aid Certificate holders here:

If you are a First Aider please check the expiry date of your certificate as to keep current all holders need to do a periodic refresher training session.

The training schedule for Health and Safety is here:

There are two refresher sessions before the end of the year and one full First Aid training session.

Tim O’Sullivan

Health and Safety refresher for staff

Most staff will be due for a Health and Safety refresher. This is meant as a reminder of the basic rules of Health and Safety around the Library and campus.

This year the refresher has been designed as an online module that staff will be able to access and do in fifteen minutes. On completion of the module you will be able to record your name and the training list will be updated.

Please access the module in Camelot here:

Please use Firefox or chrome as a browser. IE does not seem to be effective.

Thanks are due to Mushtak who developed the concept and to Caroline for the audio tracks.

Tim O’Sullivan (on behalf of the Library Health and Safety Committee)

DPI tip for September – ACC Work Smart website

The ACC website (mentioned in a post in 2014 as well) has some useful resources for different types of industries including one for Libraries.


I picked their “Ready made” option and this is available here.  There are some useful safe working practice ideas that are complementary to material already covered in our DPI training and resources.  For example workstation tips, emptying returns bins, stocktake wanding, shelving and stock moving.  “De-escalating workplace violence” is also covered.  Of course we also have our own UC emergency flipchart procedures for “Aggression (Physical/Verbal)” but it’s useful to have a range of tools and know about other options and information that could help us.  There are some different exercises we might like to try and it also covers a number of things on our hazard register.