Tēnā anō koutou,
Please see Professor Angus Macfarlane’s email re. Māori Research Hui for next month. Rā and I were fortunate to present to them on behalf of the Library last month. His feedback has been included. Let me know if you would like to attend or email Lisa Beardsley directly.
Kia ora koutou
April was the second of our monthly Māori Research Hui for 2018. Thank you to all who attended and participated – we had a good muster in March and last month the numbers grew again. Obviously word is getting around, so please continue to spread the word, and bring a colleague or postgraduate student whose research interests are aligned to a Māori or Indigenous kaupapa. Make a regular diary entry, Māori Research Hui 12 noon fourth Thursday every month.
Great to have Adjunct Professor Wally Penetito on campus and sharing golden experiences with UC researchers.
Thank you to the librarians for an informative and research-geared presentation. Waitangi reminded us that the library is indeed the ‘heart’ of research-related resources. The librarians’ presentation reiterated how generous they are with time and accessibility. Nei rā hoki te mihi maioha ki ngā kaimahi o te Whare Pukapuka.
The next Hui will be Thursday 24 May. Nau mai, haere mai, hoki mai anō kia whakaputa ake ana ngā kōrero me ngā whakaaro e pa ana ki tā tātou nei mahi rangahau.
Program for next Hui:
12.00 – 12.10: Karakia, Mihi
12.10 – 12.40: Jessica Maclean and Hamuera Kahi – Māui Lab
12.40 – 1.15: Garrick Cooper – Vision Mātauranga: Observations and experiences in two National Science Challenges (Ageing Well and Better Start)
1.15 – 1.20 Planning for next hui, 22 June
1.20 Refreshments in Te Ao Mārama Foyer
Please forward this email to anyone you think may have been inadvertently omitted. And, bring another person with you.
- Date Thursday 24 May
- Time 12noon – 1.20pm
- Place Te Awaroa upstairs in Te Ao Marama
- Afternoon Tea Aotahi
For catering purposes please rsvp to email lisa.beardsley@canterbury.ac.nz
No reira, ngā mihi ki a koutou katoa i raro i te manaakitanga o te runga rawa.
Dr Angus Hikairo Macfarlane
Professor of Maori Research