Category Archives: Library Wide

LTR finishes some more things

In previous LTR finishes some things posts (here, for e.g…), I’ve listed the completed items from our visualisation board along with a brief description explaining what the mahi was.

This time it’s been so long since the last update, and we’ve been so productive that I’m just going to upload a list of work without any details. If you want further information about it you can contact the person who did it.

Note that some things are what we did as part of a larger Library effort.

And I promise to try to do this in a timely fashion next time…

Keenious Research Explorer Pilot Nick and Kathryn
THE Impact Rankings 2023 Prep Kiera and Brian
Work Integrated Learning/PACE Zotero Library Kerry and Anton
APA for the Halls of Residence Kim and Margaret
New WestlawNZ implementation Theresa, John, and Kim
Systematic Reviews session Margaret
Grad School publishing advice Dave L, Lisa, and Rachel
AskLIVE Service review with ELS Sara
Information Literacy Report for 2021 Sara
Library engagement survey Margaret and Kerry
BTchLn modules Kathryn, Kiera, and Lisa
AskLIVE analysis Dave C, Kerry, and Margaret
LEARN linking Kathryn, Kerry, Kiera, Kim, Lisa, Margaret, Nick, Theresa, Brian, Dave C, Dave L, Elizabeth, and John
VuFind (catalogue replacement) John
Helping Pip with URONZ presentation Brian and Kiera
Updating department structure in SciVal Kiera
Reporting dashboards: Journal information; UCRR; ORCID; LOAF etc Anton, Brian, Kiera, and Stuart
MEM Thesis recovery Dave L
Beginning of semester teaching prep Kathryn, Kerry, Kiera, Kim, Lisa, Margaret, Nick, Theresa, Anton, Brian, Dave C, Dave L, Elizabeth, and John
Editors’ Symposium Anton, Brian, and Stuart
Zotero Documentation and training Anton
Literature search for UC Grad School Kerry
Supporting Systematic Reviews at UC Margaret
Postgraduate Arts Hui – Meet your Subject Librarian John and Kerry
Visualise Your Thesis (2022) Brian and Kiera
Jack Shearer Memorial Scholarship award Dave L
Word Formatting work Nick, Dave L, and Kathryn
Journal Publishing project Brian, Anton, Lisa, Kathryn, and Stuart
WRIT101 and ARTS102 embedded library content Kerry, Brian, Kiera, Kim, and Sara
Planning Zotero workshops Anton and Kerry

Library Car Parks

Kia Ora Koutou,

As you may know, the library has access to four marked, car parks near the Angus Tait building. These are for the use of team members who have an afternoon start and then work through to 9:00 or 11:00 p.m. at night. The close location of the carparks to PJH ensures a shorter and safer walk to the car once we close for the evening. Recently late team members coming on duty in the afternoon have found the car parks are occupied. It is clear that they are not always being used by other late team members.

I suspect that we may be dealing with opportunistic (or desperate) students, rather than other University or Library staff. However, in case – like me – you were unclear about the purpose of the carparks, can I request that you refrain from using them unless you are helping the team out and working a late shift with us. While they are not actively patrolled by Security, they will clamp vehicles that are using the space inappropriately if we notify them.

Ngā mihi,


Haratua Pānui | May 2023

Yep, it’s your lucky day. Another issue of Pānui awaits your attention to wash away any Tuesday blues. Enjoy!

You can find the finished PDF copy here at K:\Management\Communications\LTR-Newsletters\Pānui 2.0\2023\2023-05-LTR-Pānui.pdf

Please send us any questions you would like us to ask Kat, and email us stories and pics you’d like to share in the next issue – maybe recipes from your King’s birthday celebration if you’re that way inclined.

Kathryn, Hugh and Simon

Kōrero with Kat

Kia ora koutou

My week has included some annual leave (as I welcomed my parents back to Ōtautahi) and a big focus on arrangements for the Library’s external peer review and site visit next month.

We’re near to announcing our Aotearoa panel member, who will bring valuable and expert insights on our level of Te Tiriti o Waitangi-responsiveness, and how well developed our library services are to meet the needs of our kaimahi and ākonga Māori.  A reminder, they’ll join Margie Jantti (Director, Library Services, University of Wollongong) as Panel Chair, and Andy Priestner (UX Trainer and Consultant) as Panel Member.

On which note, I had an initial kōrero with Margie Jantti this morning, to brainstorm ideas for Library staff involvement in the site visit by the panel .  As well as booked hui with various sub-groups of our wider Library team, Margie’s recommendation was to provide a “whole of team” drop in and morning tea on the final morning of the site visit (Tuesday 27 June) for informal conversation, follow up questions and comments.

Jaz and I will work with Library managers in coming days/weeks, to set up such engagement opportunities, and to finalise the contents of the document pack we’ll be sending to the panel for their pre-reading.  We’re erring on the side of comprehensive and including as much as might possibly be of interest and provide insight.

We have the Staff Forum next week (2x sessions so as many people can attend as poss) and I also welcome discussion about the peer review there (and anytime, for that matter) so we all understand why we’re doing this and the raft of opportunities it presents. Remember also the option of submitting questions prior to the Forums through the Slido link here:
Some great questions already received, thank you!

Also on Monday, get ready for the *REVEAL* of our new library management system!

Finally, a reminder of the opportunity to take a paid Volunteer Day during 2023, as part of the 150th Anniversary Celebrations. In case this wasn’t on your radar already, further details are available here: UC Staff Volunteer Day 2023 (

For now, happy and safe weekend all,

Referencing education resources

We have been getting lots of requests to check the referencing for Ministry of Education document: Tapasā: Cultural competencies framework for teachers of Pacific learners.

After John A checked ( and corrected) my draft, I have uploaded the exemplar for this to the ‘Frequently cited’ box on the Education subject guide.

Kaiāwhina | Library Assistant (Macmillan Brown Library) Recruitment

Kia ora koutou,

We are currently recruiting for a fixed term kaiāwhina role within the Macmillan Brown Library, with applications closing on Sunday 11 June.  The role is part-time, at 22.5 hours per week and there is some flexibility around the hours.

Please share the link with your professional networks: Library Assistant | Kaiāwhina (Macmillan Brown) – University of Canterbury | Te Whare Wānanga o Waitaha

If you are interested in applying and have questions, please contact me or Sarah Johnston.

Ngā mihi,

Fiona T

Ryan’s trip to Naarm

Kia ora koutou!

At the behest of Dale, here’s a wee update on my recent trip to Naarm Melbourne for their Art Book Fair, held at NGV.

As a bit of backstory – I’ve spent the last year or so helping out* with the design of a book about the Ōtautahi artist run space Hot Lunch. The space was run by some good friends of mine from 2020-2021 on High St in the city.

Hot Lunch Leftovers is the name of the book and we had a great time touring it around Melbourne. It was sold on the Christchurch Art Gallery stall at the fair, and we also had a launch event at an intimidatingly hip venue called Hope St Radio.

Other than that, we spent most of our time eating, shopping and tram hopping.

Attached are some photos from the trip.

*helped out by eating all the donuts and just hanging out ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

BIOL275 / NZ Journal of Ecology Referencing for Assignment TODAY

Kia ora koutou,

BIOL 275 students have a report due today. They have to use the NZ Journal of Ecology referencing style.

The basics of the style are listed on the ‘Author Instructions‘ section of the journal’s website along with an EndNote style they can download and add to their styles folder. It’s a minimal punctuation, author date style with no italics except for species names.

NOTE: There is a somewhat worse NZ J Ecology style to download on the EndNote website. The style from the journal’s website is a better option.

Author Instructions:

Direct questions to me.


Announcement: Archival Shelving Project Manager

I’m pleased to announce that Hannah O’Dwyer has been appointed as the Archival Shelving Project Manager.

Hannah will start this role on Monday 29 May and the role continues to January 31, 2025. Hannah will continue to work her current hour schedule, with Monday to Thursday in the ASP Manager role (based in MB) and Friday in her substantive role as library assistant in Macmillan Brown Library.

Congratulations Hannah!