Category Archives: Library Wide

LAWS110 Essay due at 12noon Friday 28th


The 500+ LAWS110 students have a 1,500 word essay due tomorrow.

This is the first essay that the students must use the NZLSG so there are LOTS of questions coming through AskLIVE and email about this.

I am running a drop-in Zoom session between 11am and 1pm today and the details of this are on the LAWS110 Learn page under Assessment. 

John and I will try to be on AskLIVE as much as we can today but if you get any tricky questions please get students to email us and we will get back to them by the end of the day. Alternatively please get the students email and forward us the chat!

Any questions please let us know


Transitional Arrangements in Tomo’s absence

Kia Ora Koutou,

As many of you will know, Tomo has gone to Japan in order to receive treatment for cancer. In his absence, Isabella has agreed to step up to fill the team leader vacancy we have at the moment to ensure the team’s leadership and basic day-to-day mechanics are uninterrupted. This will be for an initial period of three months. We will assess at the conclusion of this time the team’s ongoing need and Tomo’s plans around his return to work. In the meantime, I am very grateful to Isabella for stepping in at short notice and fully confident in her ability to lead and contribute to our team in this role. Isabella will keep her coordinating role in marketing and engagement as well as her NZLPP obligations.


AIP (American Institute of Physics) links not working via Open Athens at the moment

Kia ora koutou

AIP have migrated all their scitation.aip content to a new platform at the end of last week and the Open Athens redirector is not currently working consistently with it.  Open Athens technical support are working with the vendor to accommodate redirects via Open Athens but this isn’t quite there yet for at least some of the journals – e.g. Computing for physics articles in MultiSearch and catalogue link to the journal itself are coming up with an “open athens doesn’t recognise this resource” type error screen.

The only workaround at the moment is for people to be signed into Open Athens in their browser session and then navigating to (or clicking on the continue to resource link in the error message) and searching for the article in the new site or browsing the journal archives (for the journal title links).

DOI links for the example journal (Computers in Physics) are also not doing as AIP promised in their migration notes so suspect they are having a few post-migration issues.  Other publication ones are ok though so is a bit hit and miss.

Ngā mihi,

Romy (on behalf of Library Systems)

Library not receiving updates to student records e.g. contact information, new student records

Kia ora koutou

We have another victim of the security changes that took out Payment Plus last week – the system we use to get student records that are new or changed is currently not working and we have received no new student information since 17th April.
At this time of year we are probably not missing all that much but could be some new pg enrolments we are missing borrower records for  and possibly some contact information changes for existing students too.

We have a ticket in with Digital Services to get the issue fixed but a lot of their staff are on leave until Wednesday so may take a while to get the records through again.

Ngā mihi,

Romy (on behalf of Library Systems)

Payment Plus issues temporarily resolved

Kia ora koutou

Payment plus should now be returning balances and working as normal.

Working with Digital Services we tracked the problem down to a security change made on Tuesday.  They have temporarily rolled back the change for the service we use to retrieve Canterbury Card balances and deduct funds to give us time to update payment plus so it can cope with the security change.

We will hopefully have a more permanent fix in place by the end of next week.

Ngā mihi,

Romy (on behalf of Library Systems)


Kōrero with Kat

Kia ora koutou

A five-day week for many of this week, which felt particularly jarring after a couple of short weeks!

But a great week it was.  Particular highlights for me included being part of the NZLPP ‘Dress Rehearsal’ focus group on Tuesday. It was so valuable to test the methodology and contribute kōrero to this significant project, which aims ultimately to show how we can make the library experience better for our ākonga Māori.  Ngā mihi nui to Jess, Isabella and my focus group members on the day, who made this experience for me one of epiphany and enjoyment, in equal measure!

I was also delighted to see so many of you take some time on Wednesday this week to join me in a walk/talk through my recent experiences at the IFLA Library Buildings and Equipment Section (LBES) mid-term congress in Sydney.  The recording is here, for viewing at your leisure, as time and inclination is available:

 Presentation by Kat Cuttriss – recent IFLA library buildings visit to Sydney_Wollongong-20230419_150206-Meeting Recording.mp4

I’d welcome any and all ongoing discussion on the themes shared during this presentation.  We have much to be inspired by, some of which would fall into the category of long-term aspiration for us, and some of which we may be able to do in the here & now under our own steam.  In every case, the relationship between the library kaimahi, the library community and the library physical design and layout is fundamental to ensuring user experiences are positive, enriching and full of manaakitanga.  I get a strong sense that we have this deeply embedded in our mindset and outlook already, which is a powerful platform from which to move forward.

During the presentation I also mentioned the IFLA LBES YouTube channel where you can find previous webinars on a range of international themes, available for free, and to view at your leisure.

Another main focus of mine this week has been finalising the draft Terms of Reference, and panel membership, for the external peer review of the Library.  I’m hoping to have details confirmed in the next week or so, and look forward to sharing updates with you soon.

Friday afternoon is now conclusively drawing to a close.  Safe (and dry) weekend all,

Horizon problems continuing – re-running a fix now which will slow things down in stages

Kia ora koutou

We have increased the Horizon database space and are now re-running the fixes we tried earlier that failed before.  They seem to be running this time which is great but will lock down parts of Horizon as it runs so you may not be able to complete actions in Horizon at times.  If you can avoid using Horizon we’d suggest you do but any locks/slowness should clear in time.  We’ll post a comment when the fix is done and Horizon is functioning normally again (you may need to close Horizon and re-open it after this point).

Ngā mihi,

Romy (on behalf of Library Systems)

Horizon problems this morning – may be unable to edit/save bib records

Kia ora koutou

We have a Horizon error this morning that we need to run some fixes on.  This may mean you are locked out of making changes to bib records (and possibly saving other changes to).  We’ll post a comment when we are done running the fix – you may need to close and reopen Horizon once it has finished to be able to save changes again.

Ngā mihi,

Romy (on behalf of Library Systems)

Payment plus not returning balances for Canterbury Cards

Kia ora koutou

Staff have reported Payment plus not returning balances (and hence preventing payments from going ahead) for Canterbury Cards since this morning.
Alas was reported too late in the day for Digital Services staff who need to look at the issue to still be in office.
I have put an incident in in Service Now and will follow up with relevant Digital Services staff tomorrow.

Ngā mihi,

Romy (on behalf of Library Systems)