Category Archives: Library Wide

UC Network Maintenance – 15 minute internet outages possible

Kia ora koutou

Digital Services will be performing scheduled maintenance on UC Network Infrastructure leading to possible temporary internet outages for up to 15 minutes during the works.

There are 2 maintenance windows this week – both during library opening hours, hopefully any outages will be brief.

Start: Tuesday 18 April 2023 5:00pm
End:   Tuesday 18 April 2023 7:00pm

 Start: Thursday 20 April 2023  6:00pm
End:   Thursday 20 April 2023 10:00pm

Ngā mihi,

Romy (on behalf of Library Systems)

Kōrero with Kat

Kia ora koutou

Two short weeks, back to back, and I hope you were all able to take some time out over the Easter break to reconnect, recharge and do whatever fills your metaphorical (and maybe literal) cup! My family and I took the opportunity to explore a little more of this beautiful city and region, taking day trips to Te Onepoto | Taylors Mistake and Diamond Harbour, interspersed with copious amounts of chocolate consumption and sofa time.

This week has been both short and action-packed!  I’ve been working with leadership team members on some finance forecasting, now that various projects and initiatives for the year ahead are taking firmer shape so we can project what’ll be involved.

Helen took Jaz and me (thank you Helen, and welcome Jaz 😊) through a background to and overview of the Visual Management Board. This was so valuable, and handily relates to an action in our 2023 Ops Plan to assess and streamline, as part of library governance, our comms channels and meeting set-ups.

I’m fresh out of the monthly Academic Board meeting this afternoon, at which a handful of new courses were proposed as part of the CUAP (Committee on Academic Programmes) process. It was interesting and helpful for me to see this part of the overall process, as there are significant implications for us in terms of library provision of services, collections, and spaces to projected student cohorts, for new or changed qualifications. It’s also heartening to see how the University is strategically positioning so that our graduates can meet current and future Aotearoa bicultural, community, economic and industry related needs.

Next week I’ll share impressions and pics from my recent IFLA Library Buildings tour and hui in Sydney, Wollongong and Illawarra.  Looking forward to any questions or discussion that may arise!  (Please RSVP is you can’t make it and would like to, as we can record it and/or schedule a repeat for another day)

Also sharing here the link to the recording from a recent Neurodiversity webinar, hosted by Callum McKirdy, which I know a few of you attended and found great value in: RECORDING AVAILABLE HERE

For now, the weekend beckons.  Safe one all,

SharePoint 2013 sites will be moving SharePoint 2016

Kia ora

Digital Services have provided notification that all SharePoint 2013  sites will be migrated to SharePoint 2016.  They would like to do this before the end of May.  The rationale is:  This is a necessary interim migration, as Microsoft support for SharePoint 2013 literally ended yesterday. All SharePoint 2013 Sites … are being migrated to SharePoint 2016, to keep things compliant and secure.

This will impact a number of Library files on SharePoint 2013 including:

Could you please post a comment on here if there are a) any issues or concerns with this and/or b) any dates over the next six weeks we should advise Digital Services to avoid doing this work.


Tim Stedman

Summer Starter Event Summary.

Kia ora All,

Apologies for the delay! Below is a summary of the Summer Starter Event held Thursday March 2nd.

Brian McElwaine provided his reflections in the connection section.

The Summer Starter Event put on by the UCSA is one of our core events in which we seek to connect with new users, and engage with those who are ready to use our services more. Summer Starter was strategically set aside to promote our subject librarians and their services.


It was a lot of fun, there was a good buzz in Haere-roa: students wandering around clutching snacks and tote bags full of freebies, dodging wandering pups and each other, while we stall-holders competed for their attention. We spent our time chatting to students as they passed, giving out fruit burst and postcards, and the odd subject librarian business card when a student expressed an interest. We mostly had general chats with them, or tried to get them to participate in our unscientific poll about the best and worst fruit burst. There was the occasional opportunity to talk up the subject librarian service, especially when we discovered that a student was with one of our departments. We hope it went some way towards demystifying us in the eyes of some of our ākonga, and making our subject librarian services seem a little more approachable. We had 206 people engage with us at the stall over the 4 hours we were there. Huge thanks to all of the other librarians who stepped up to occupy the stall and help make it a success for our team!

Archival Shelving Project Manager – Fixed Term Role

We are recruiting for a fixed-term, part-time project manager role based within the Macmillan Brown Library. The purpose of this role is to manage the project to replace existing end-of-life shelving in the UC Library Warehouse B with powder-coated steel shelving.

This will include managing staff, resources, communications and quality control measures to ensure that the archival collections are relocated appropriately, with up-to-date data in the archival management system.

The role is 0.6 FTE (22.5 hours per week) and runs until January 2025. This is a great opportunity to learn more about the UC Library Archives and contribute to the long-term preservation of these unique cultural heritage collections.

Applications close 30 April 2023. Please share with your networks and if you would like to discuss the role in more details, please get in touch.

Fiona T


NZLPP Focus Groups Dress Rehearsal! Sign Up Here!

Kia ora e hoa mā!  You might have noticed promotion of the NZLPP research project began last week.  If you see bright posters around campus, social media and our libraries – it is the work of our clever and talented creative team.

As a chance for a ‘dress rehearsal’ practice, we will be hosting two Focus Groups next week for library staff.  This will be an opportunity for you to share your experiences with libraries.  We will host two sessions: one for all staff and one to gather Māori staff voice.  We would like to ask up to 10 participants to participate at each session.   Thanks in advance for your support and your time!


To participate in the All Staff Focus Group, register here:


To participate in the Māori Staff Focus Group, register here:

Open Christchurch 7 May 2023

Kia ora Koutou,

On Sunday the 7th May, UC Libraries will participate in the city-wide event, Open Christchurch.Open Christchurch is a celebration of architecture and city planning run by Te Pūtahi, Centre for Architecture and City Making.

As part of our support of this we will have a display in PJH celebrating its design and architecture, and providing self guided tours. This is a repeat of what we have run for Open Christchuch in the past. 

At Macmillan Brown, Erin Kimber will be running guided and bookable tours of MBL and our warehouse to get a behind the scenes look at architectural drawings – this is new and will be a great way to connect with our wider community and hopefully those in our student/academic body who have an interest and are unaware of the facilties we have on campus. 

Ngā Mihi,

Dale, Erin, Isabella, and Zina

Hot cross buns!!

Mōrena koutou,

We will be serving hot cross buns at morning tea today in all three libraries.  Please do come and help yourself.  There is a selection of traditional, chocolate and gluten free.

Wishing everyone a restful break after a very busy term!

ngā mihinui,


CONZUL Store closure

The CONZUL Store holdings have now been removed from our Library Catalogue after the closure of the Store in September 2022.

If anyone comes across any records that show a location of CONZUL Store then please let me know.

A big thanks to Megan, Sandra, Maria and Chris from the LAC team for all their work in deleting and amending the records.  It was about 100 hours of work in total.

The CONZUL Store was a large warehouse store of low use print journals established by the Council of New Zealand Librarians (CONZUL) in 2012.  University Libraries sent print journals to the store that had electronic access available.

If you want to know more, then read the closure document at  K:\Management\MOU-contracts\CONZUL-Store\Comms-CONZUL-store-closure-2022.docx
