Category Archives: Library Wide

OA101 Open Access introductory course

Kia ora koutou,

Open Access Australasia are offering their OA101 course again this year, beginning on 6 March for four weeks. Please see the course information below.

If you’re interested, please speak to your manager, let me know, and register here.

Ngā mihi nui,

OA101 Open Access introductory course

After two successful iterations last year with more than 250 participants, we have made a few improvements to the course programme based on feedback and the experience of our course tutors.

This introductory level course sees participants work their way through four online modules over four weeks. This time we will also have a weekly live Q & A session, as well as a Slack channel discussion forum with course tutors.

The course has been really well received with a survey of participants finding those who had completed the course were more:

  • confident explaining basic open access terminology and concepts
  • confident discussing open repositories
  • familiar with the OA policies at their own institution
  • confident discussing the role of Creative Commons licenses
  • confident communicating and advocating for OA

Modern Library Management Project (Horizon replacement) – 2023 update #2

I’m overdue to give you an update on the Modern Library Management (Horizon replacement) project since our last update in January.

In this update I wanted to provide you with some of the background including:

We’re currently working with the project team to finalize further details required in the Business Case in preparation for the Request for Proposals which will then be released out to the market. We’ve also been meeting with the Project Manager (Tony McNally) and Procurement (Ivo Wynn-Williams) to further clarify aspects around the procurement process. Helen and I will be meeting on Friday 24th February to do more thinking and planning around the Library implementation phase which will kick off in earnest in June/July once a new system is selected.

Comments and questions are most welcome at any stage. You can send these to me directly or comment in the Teams chat. I am compiling a list of questions and will be regularly updating this file with responses.

Tim Stedman
On behalf of the MLM Project Team

Kōrero with Kat

Kia ora koutou

Such a buzz seeing so many students here on campus!  I’m told this is back to pre-Covid levels of presence and energy – how wonderful to be kanohi ki te kanohi again after so long.

A big shout out to all our kaimahi who contributed to wonderful Eke Panuku celebrations on Monday, and who have staffed our Orientation stall, and our floating “meet & greet” presence at the Central Library.  We’ve always known, but how great to see first-hand, the positive power of a smile and “kia ora”. This week has presented such a great opportunity for us to be visible, make connections and share proudly the range of valuable services and support we offer!  Thank you all for embracing this opportunity 😊

Simon, Fiona and Juliet welcoming new students (and me!) on our Library Orientation stall

On a more sobering note, this week has brought true devastation to a number of communities further north, and I send my aroha to them and to you, particularly if you have whānau and loved ones affected in any way by these events.

Seems an appropriate moment to promote a Wellbeing webinar that has recently been posted, and which many of you attended a few weeks ago.  Check out this Unleash Your Wellbeing Potential Webinar  for guidance on how to equip ourselves with skills and capabilities to sustain a wellbeing culture.  I’ve had a quick dip and will definitely be carving out some time to ingest these insights more fully!

Finally this week, I attended a CONZUL briefing session with Sue Roberts and Kim Tairi (University Librarians at University of Auckland and AUT respectively), ahead of my first CONZUL meeting next Monday.  I was pleased to learn that CONZUL are currently exploring a re-name from “Council of New Zealand University Librarians” to “Council of Aotearoa New Zealand University Libraries”, to articulate how much more inclusive, and relevant to ‘whole-of-library’, the team intends to be.

Have a great weekend all.  The weather looks as though it’s going to go back to “full on summer” again!

Annotator on Level 7 today (Friday 17th Feb).


The annotator will be based on Level 7 today

Lynne comes in a couple of times a year to update our NZ statute books. She will cross out anything that is no longer law in red pencil and paste inserts into the books with the new law. It might look like she is defacing the books but it is absolutely ok and ensures that our print collection is up to date!

While we now have access to legislation online in multiple places (WestlawNZ, Lexis Advance and John and I  do still sometimes use the print books to trace currently in-force legislation back in time to before the databases existed.

Lynne has a red office chair and a blue trolley. I will pop these away once Lynne has finished this afternoon

Any questions please let Sara or I know.


ETV – PD Workshop Tomorrow for Beginners

ETV has their first (free) professional development workshop for the year tomorrow (Thursday).

This workshop is designed to engage complete beginners. ETV platform has over 150,000 videos to explore so learning how to effectively search, favourite, store and request videos is a must.

If you have new staff or staff that need an ETV refresher, please share this link with them

The workshop starts at 3.30 pm and will run for no longer than 45mins.


The same Zoom link will be used for each monthly session. Same time, same place and a different topic every month.

Contact info on PeopleSoft

Kia ora koutou,

In my role as one of your Departmental Safety Officers, I am getting all our Health and Safety ducks in a row for the year ahead.  As part of this process, could you please make sure your personal information is up to date on PeopleSoft?  This is vital information in the case of an emergency so we can contact you easily.

If you are unsure how to do this, let me know and I’ll  lend a hand.

Could you please do this by 24 February, so your manager can update the emergency contact spreadsheet.

ngā mihi,


Bad renewal due dates from end of last week have been edited

Kia ora koutou

We identified 16 borrowers who had items out with incorrect renewal due dates from renewing in the new catalogue on 9th and 10th of February and have edited the due dates back to what they should have been.

All affected borrowers have been sent an email suggesting they check their library account to see the edited due dates – this was sent from the email address so you may see some responses in there from the borrowers – if there’s anything that needs our attention please forward on to

Ngā mihi,

Romy (on behalf of Library Systems)