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Category Archives: Library Wide
An EPIC new deal for New Zealand content.
An EPIC new deal for New Zealand content.
Access to New Zealand material has been a focus of EPIC and its Governance Group (EGG) since inception. The EGG has been in discussions with The Knowledge Basket – a key provider of online New Zealand content
– and we are now delighted to announce the outcome.
We have negotiated all of country access to Knowledge Basket’s New Zealand Index. This is a unique archive of New Zealand content containing over 1.9 million records. It is a composite of five separate indexes of New Zealand newspapers, magazines and journals.
Information about New Zealand Index, and other EPIC resources, is available at: http://www.epic.org.nz/nl/Procurement.html
An information pack has been posted to all current EPIC Member libraries.
Non-EPIC members who wish to consider subscribing to EPIC in order to take advantage of this deal can request and information pack by
To learn more about EPIC visit: http://www.epic.org.nz
Copyright queries
I am off to a copyright seminar at CPIT this afternoon for folk in the Educational Sector. If anyone has specific queries you’d like me to clarify, please email them to me before 3pm and I will endeavour to bring you back answers. manja.pieters@canterbury.ac.nz
Flashing Light
The flashing light at the workroom door has been reported to FM at 8.30am.
New Search Engine – get some Long Tail Results…

Alerted by my (our) dear friend Kirstie McKinnon to this new searching paradigm, here’s what it has to say aboutitself:
Your search + random word = great results!
With normal Google searching, there are many web pages that you may never have a chance to see. So BananaSlug throws in a random word from a category of your choice. This results in pages you probably overlooked. They all have your search term in them, but the added twist gives you something new every time!
A New Approach to Online Information Literacy Instruction
From the ALA TechSource blog –
A New approach to online information literacy instruction
“Scott Rice and Amy Harris are supporting educational initiatives at UNCG by creating an online information literacy game. The game uses a question-and-answer format and allows two to four students to play against each other by answering questions about information literacy topics in four different categories (such as Choose your Resource, Avoiding Plagiarism, and Searching and Using Databases). The game also has a one-player version in which students provide timed responses to questions. In addition to the four categories, special squares on the game’s Trivial Pursuit-like board ask students to find a specific piece of information on an actual website or to compare two websites based on a specific criteria (such as authority or currency). The game was created using AJAX to be adapted easily by other libraries. In this presentation, Rice and Harris hope to allow librarians to play the game while answering questions about its creation and showing librarians how to customize it for their own libraries.” More info….
Horizon outage at noon today
Library IT advise that Horizon will be restarted at noon today, causing about 1minute of down time.
Sandra Gover sick leave Saturday
Sandra Gover will be home sick Saturday 25th and has not been replaced. One other staff member is also on sick leave and has been replaced for the afternoon. Branch libraries should be aware that we are not in a good position to provide staff assistance if any of you have short notice absences due to illness on Saturday.
InfoTrac OneFile has changed its name to General OneFile. It’s still listed in A-Z database list under I (with a reference), however it will be changed to General OneFile on portals etc. If you wish to keep it on your portals as InfoTrac you will need to contact Library IT.
IT Outages
Anne Scott reports several IT outages over the next few weeks