Category Archives: Library Wide

The basics of RSS* – Friday workshop @ UCTL

This is a beginners session. Dave C.

8.45-9.15am, Friday 10 August — UCTL seminar room LAWS427

Following your favourite news feeds – Business, teaching, research or personal interests. Starting from the beginning with using Bloglines (

*RSS is a way to keep track of what is going on in a website without actually visiting it. If the website has RSS, you subscribe to the ‘Feed’ and can then skim the headlines and decide if there is anything you want to visit to read further. This has become popular with blogs – but feeds have existed for many years before blogs.

Feed readers have become very straightforward to use.

Any further information from Derek Chirnside, ext 7818.

Thesis not able to be requested

I’ve given this Engineering Geology Thesis a reference itype to prevent it being requested at the behest of a lecturer who doesnt want his ENGE 486 and ENNT 363 students to get at it. The students have been set a field exercise and he doesn’t want them to have the advantage of Jenny Lee’s thesis. This embargo is valid until the 13th of September.The thesis is: ‘Engineering geological investigation of the Lake Coleridge rock avalanche deposits, inland Canterbury’ by Jenny Lee (bib#935314). Victoria

Self check machine trial

Lending Services is conducting a trial of the 3M Self Check Machine beside the Central Library Lending desk, starting today, 8/8/07 and ending 14/8/07. A roster of staff has been set up (between 11am and 3pm weekdays) to invite borrowers to try out the Self Check. We will observe how they use it and make notes on usability and problems as well as inviting comments. Library staff are welcome to comme and try it out. Outside of these times, it will be turned off and a Not in Use sign placed on it.