Marilyn has been notified. Will be serviced after 2pm today.
Category Archives: Library Wide
“Creating your Custom Search Engine just got easier”

From the Google Librarian blog resources. Sure sounds like a good idea for libraries, now if they could also index subscription databases as well and present the mixture of results from a single search in a useful way, now there’s a time worth living for..
A Hipper Crowd of Shushers
Number 5 in the 10 Most Read Articles on from July
A Hipper Crowd of Shushers
Published: July 8, 2007
A new type of librarian is emerging: think Dewey Decimal meets Generation X.
Calculus Early Transcendentals 8th edition
As these haven’t been going out as much as they used to I have changed two copies from 3 hour to 3 day loan. I’ll keep an eye on it and will change them back to 3 hour near test and exam times.
Update on PSL reload station
Marilyn has discovered that the note collection box in our reload station was upside down. This probably explains the problems we’ve been having with the machine rejecting notes. When anyone observes someone successfully using a note in the machine please let Marilyn know.
Professional Readings: Abrams on Library Promotion and Web 2.0

A snippet from the SirsiDynix monthly e-newsletter:
“…Libraries have a lot to promote and sell. Besides our myriad of programs and services, we need to influence a lot of other things in our community – like fundraising goals, budgets and bonds, local awareness of our role in the economy, education, and community success. Can we use our library communications to generate behavioral change? Better educated citizens, higher performing students, better small business success, large industry, and tourism? Can we set our goals high? Can we measure and prove success?…”
Printing more than one item from a borrower’s list
If a borrower has a number of items out and asks for a list of only a few trying to print using the receipt printers does not work. To print using them means that you either have to print one item at a time or print the full list.
To print a selection
Open the borrower’s record
Click on All Items Out
Select the required items
Click on the File menu from the top of the screen
Click on print and send to a network printer
Ongoing webmail and log on problems..
Soy-mail anyone?
Current Known Outages
Tuesday, 31-Jul-2007 11:17:54 NZST 31 Jul 2007
Webmail is currently unavailable, try alternative address
Students are also reporting general log on problems to the Help Desk.
Problem with internet access
At 11 am today, some of the students were experiencing problems with internet access. CL after hours supervisor was called.
Do NOT turn student printer off until further notice from Library I.T.
The current student printer is a temporary. Please do not turn it off at closing time (or any time) until further notice from Library I.T. – probably next week some time.