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The Chair Doctor
is coming early next week to fix the chair at service desk which has the form taped to the back of it.
Interloans renewals
From Janice in Interloans:
If a user comes to the desk after hours with an overdue, or about to be overdue Interloan, and asks for a renewal, please do NOT CKI in the interloan (to save the user being fined) and then ask the Interloans Team to renew it the next day.
This creates a lot of confusion for us and removes the history of the ‘loan’.
The user will just have to accept that it cannot be ‘renewed’ that night and that Interloans staff will deal with it as soon as they can the next working day. A renewal is on an item that is on issue, not on a returned item.
Women’s toilets
Rang Cleaning Services to ask for one of the toilets to be cleaned.
Library tours
Advertising will be on the library home-page from Thursday this week.
Library Tours Day
Wednesday 18th July
Central Library
Tours run on the hour every hour – first tour at 9am, last tour 4pm.
Tours last 20 minutes, followed by an optional workshop
Meet at the Central Library Help Desk
Education Library (Dovedale Ave)
Tours at 10am, 2pm, 6pm
For tours of the Engineering, Law, Macmillan Brown and Physical
Sciences Libraries, ask at the appropriate service desk at any time.
Telephone: 8723 (DDI 364 2987 ext.8723)
Canterbury Card payphone not working
Canterbury Card payphone down the corridor is not working.
When people ring 7900 for outside line connection it just keeps ringing and does not prompt them for their PIN.
May be same problem with all Canterbury Card phones on Ilam campus.
Rang ICTS Helpdesk and let them know.
EFTPOS to Canterbury Card – Error
EFTPOS to Canterbury Card machine was coming up with an error this morning at the point where the person using it hit “Enter” after the amount of $$$$$$$$ they wanted to transfer. Re-boot seemed to eliminate the problem
expired hold missing?
When I ran the expired holds for psl this afternoon I found that the 1 expired hold was missing from the hold shelf and did not appear to be on the open shelves either.
detail of hold
Zhang, Amy Yun Qing 29/06/2007 06/07/2007
Pericyclic reactions
AU05747945B Hold Expired sb QD 331 .P441
any ideas?
have just discovered it has been issued to her but is still showing up as an expired hold!!!
Items awaiting call number, repairs, rebarcoding, etc
Please change the status for any item you put on the call number, repairs, rebarcoding, or stripping shelf to ‘rs’ (relabelling). This will ensure that the Horizon record shows where the item is. Once the item has been attended to it will need to be checked in to return the status to ‘in library’. (This overrides my earlier posting in May when I confused the issue by asking for them to be changed to awaiting binding. They should be ‘rs’ relabelling.)
No Library External Borrower cards 9-18 July
From Peter Street, Card Co-ordinator, Room 109, Science Lecture Theatres
“With enrolment looming for the second semester, I would like to say that we will be unable to produce Library Cards over the period 9 – 18 July.”
ULANZ/CTA are unaffected by this. Library External borrowers will have to wait two weeks.