There’s a collection of three short videos up at which explain what RSS, wikis, and social networking are and how they work using a whiteboard, pieces of paper, and a voiceover. They’re great fun to watch – short (2-4 minutes each), very easy to understand and just plain cute.
( is a small video sharing site, a little like YouTube but if you supply English subtitles, your viewers can translate them into their own language which is then available to future viewers — check out the list of languages available on the RSS video, all user-created.)
The reload station is still not accepting notes. Rang Copy Centre and Marilyn will log a call with Desktop Support. In the meantime users can still add value using coins.
There seems to be a block in the notes slot on the add value machine that is preventing people adding value to their cards. Rang Copy Centre and they said they would “try and get over this morning some time”.
These cards are no longer annotated with up to date information. Please search the library catalogue or standards website for relevant information. e.g. a keyword search on the university library catalogue for AS/NZS 3833 will give two results showing the latest edition and the superseded edition.
For information about amendments to standards please read the notes field in the catalogue record.
When an item shows ‘In transit to storage’ at check-in, please check horizon carefully for the correct storage location. It will be A, B or C.
• A = Warehouse
• B = Basement
• C= Central collection
A number of items have arrived at the basement instead of the warehouse.