Category Archives: MB Library

The history of UC libraries – smocks, card catalogues and much more!

Macmillan Brown Library has created a display to kick off UC’s 150th year, looking at the history of libraries at UC.  It features some unique archival items such as an 1893 library borrower’s register, featuring books issued to undergrads Apirana Ngata and Ernest Rutherford.

There are so many wonderful photos in the archives of UC libraries at work – more than would fit in our display – so we are sharing them here. Above, the wooden card catalogue in all its glory in the late 1980s. Below, some 1960s students browsing the shelves in an entirely natural fashion…

One of our favourite items in the display is a genuine vintage librarian smock, seen in action here, behind the Circulation Desk, when the library was still on the town campus in the 1960s.

Back to the 1980s for this wide shot of PJH Level 2, complete with the obligatory “Quiet Please” sign and some chunky looking computer screens.

Finally, here are the 1950s Library staff on the roof of the Library in what is now the Arts Centre

and off on a jolly outing to the Canterbury Centennial Fun Fair in Hagley Park (maybe one we can re-create sometime??!!)

The UC library history display will be in the MB foyer for at least another week, so come and check it out (on lookout for it on social media soon)

Blog: From vinyl & VHS to apps & podcasts – the changing technology of learning te reo Māori

Ata mārie koutou.  To mark Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori  we had planned a display in the foyer of Te Puna Rakahau o Macmillan Brown of collection items which show the way changing technologies have been used by te reo learners over the past 160 years.

Covid put paid to that plan, so I turned it into a blog, which we shared on social media last week.  But in case you missed it…here it is!

(P.S. The items mentioned are now on display upstairs at MB if you are interested in checking them out.)

Alert Level 3

So, we’ll be moving to Alert Level 3 on Tuesday just before midnight. This means all Libraries remain closed to users, BUT some Library staff will be back working on campus.

We will again focus on scanning, distance posting and fulfilling user  requests for print material. The teams and roster for Alert Level 3 is now available.  Each team has someone from LAC who can do the distance posting, and most teams have someone who can access MB and EPS for retrievals.

This lockdown, we have expanded the scanning and posting services to include undergraduates. There remain some restrictions. We will only retrieve from PJH, EPS and MB lending collection.  We will NOT retrieve from Store until Level 2.  We will post items to staff, postgrads and undergrads, but NOT to external borrowers.

Expressions of Interest for Manager, Macmillan Brown Library and Heritage Collections

I am seeking Expressions of Interest (EoI) for Manager, Macmillan Brown Library and Heritage Collections. This a full-time role (1 FTE). The position is fixed term for a minimum of 4 months and could be a secondment. It will report to Helen Thomas. The position will be filled internally.

The role requires someone who can lead and manage the Macmillan Brown Library and Heritage Collections team and service for Semester 1 2021. This role is multi-faceted and involves building relationships with academics and service units and managing heritage collections in line with UC’s strategic focus.
Further details about the role are available in the position description: K:\Operations\HR\PD-Manager-MMB-2020-11.docx

If you would like to discuss this opportunity, please contact Helen Thomas or Anne Scott.
Expressions of Interest should be submitted to by 5pm on Friday 8 January 2021.

Your EoI should outline:

  • Why you are interested in this position
  • What skills and experience you will bring to the position
  • What technical or professional knowledge you will bring to the position

The recruitment process comprises the EoI and an interview.

Kā Kohika progress at MB

Update on progress with some issues with the new archives OPAC.

When a user registers and requests and item on Kā Kohika it now automatically prints their request slip on the MB staff printer.

Even more exciting is that it no longer says Otago University at the top of the request slip and it now includes a shelf location for the archival material.

Unfortunately, manually printing a request still results in an Otago branded slip with no shelf location.