Catherine and I have identified several issues with the bookmark function of MB’s new art/archives database, Ka Kohika. Namely, being unable to remove bookmarks from items, and being unable to click through to more information once an item is bookmarked.
These may affect how our users are interecting with the system, so please be ready to advise any customer having trouble to get in touch via email/phonecall to MB. Emma de Lacey has been made aware of the issues.
When tray 1 is empty, both of the mopiers start paper jamming. I’ve called Ricoh, the job reference number for the staff one is 948360, and the student one is 948361. Somebody will come to look at them tomorrow.
Please refer enquiries for the Art Files previously held by the Fine Arts Library to the Fine Arts Administrators – (Douglas Horrell or Jan Saville) – we had a student enquiry for these yesterday at MB sent to us from CL. MB has not acquired these items as part of the Dept of Fine Arts Library move, so we can continue to refer enquiries for these back to Fine Arts / Art History.
Please note that some of the shelves next to the mopier in Jenny and Danielle’s office have now been labelled “Items Awaiting Binding.”
From now on, items to be bound will acrue on these shelves until we have enough to send to the Bindery (in batches of 40-50).
When items are requested that have the status “At Bindery” – please check these “Items Awaiting Binding” shelves, just in case they have not yet been sent.
This new procedure will hopefully ensure that items continue to be available for request while they await binding (instead of waiting at the Bindery unavailable for request for long periods).
Staff logins do not provide internet access on student pcs. Please note that for non-student MB lib users who wish to access e-journals or databases from student pcs within MB lib – can be provided with a trainee student login provided to us by Lib IT.
The login is…
username – librc26
password – libraryit
A printout of this information will also be held at the MB lending desk in the black folder under the lending pc monitor.
The Maori Land Court Minute Book collection is currently undergoing a shelving move. We will be adding in more shelves per bay to cater for better weight distribution of the books per shelf – the first step is to get the shelving in and then to re-integrate the bound copies with the unbound copies and re-order them appropriately in one alphabetical sequence.
This process could last some weeks and may involve the minute books being temporarily out of order as we do this – thanks for your patience.