Students and staff can now request remote payment of Library charges via a web form. Please have a look at the news item on Camelot and the Library home page news for more information on this service and tips for public service staff on how to deal with problems.
ENCI 411 Restricted loans
There is now an updated list of call numbers for ENCI 411. The list is kept on the restricted loans shelf (next to the folders themselves).
Reload Station
The reload station is out of paper – I have e-mailed the copy centre and asked them to come and fix it for us.
Extra chairs and tables for exam time
These will be delivered on Friday 8th June. The upstairs ones are to be delivered to the bus. If the warehouse doesn’t have access we will have to open the door to the bus for them. Key in cabinet.
They will be collected Monday 2nd July.
Edu headcount
Remember – Starting today we are going to be recording how many people are in our library at specific times, esp evenings and weekends. A tally sheet (with yellow highlighted border so we can’t miss it) is stuck to the front desk. EC
Librarywide problems with Canterbury Card, diebold etc
Students have been unable to use photocopiers or load money onto CC. Please change signs on machines according to situation.
Hold shelf and Queen’s Birthday holiday
Library IT have made a change to Horizon which affects how hold expiry dates are calculated when the Library is closed.
Currently holds that would have expired on a closed day are set to expire on the next open day. An example of this is a hold that would have expired on Queen’s Birthday will be set to expire on Tuesday. The change that we have made means that holds will receive one additional day for every day the library is closed before the hold expires. Using the same Queen’s Birthday example, holds that would have been due to expire on the Monday, would get an extra day, and expire on the Wednesday.
BS 4360:43A
Some students have been given a reference to standard BS 4360:43A (or equivalent). It looks like (though not yet 100% certain) that the 43A refers to a grade of steel rather than a subsection of the standard.
Dirty ol’ printer
Printer is a bit noisy smelly and dirty. Should be alright for now but I rang Library IT and they will come and have a look soonish.
Reload Machine
This is out of paper. Copy Centre have been rung and will come ASAP