LibraryIT has now fixed the wobbly scanner at the front desk 🙂 EC
Archives permission to copy forms
The request forms for photocopying and digital copying from archives or photographs have been merged onto one form. It should be fairly self-explanatory but if there are any questions or problems please let me know. The form needs to be checked and approved by the ‘powers that be’, but I think we can use it in the meantime. This form should be read in conjuction with the Price List and Reproduction Charges that Jill e-mailed everyone about yesterday.
Printer Problems
There have been many students waiting for printing. Library IT identified a file “Lecture 33..” which was holding up the queue. They are going to get IT to delete the file, which may be corrupt.
Permission to publish, broadcast and display forms
We used to have seperate forms if people wanted to ask permission to publish, broadcast or display archival material. I have now consolidated these onto one form, which will hopefully streamline the process.
Art competition
Art Competition for Children of Staff and Students
Matariki is a time to ….
Plant new crops,
Wish upon a star
Matariki is a group of stars which heralds the start of the Maori New Year.
All children of staff and students are invited to celebrate this special time of the year by creating their very own Matariki masterpiece.
Pictures will be included in our Matariki exhibition.
The competition runs from 1 June – 22 June. Entries must be handed in by 5pm on Friday 22 june to any library service desk.
There are two age categories for the competition
(a) 5 and under and (b) 6 – 10
There will be a prize for each age group for the “best” picture.
There will be prize(s) for runner ups in the age groups The picture needs to reflect the themes of Matariki.
Only one entry per child.
For more information on the entry conditions refer to the entry form.
To learn more about Matariki visit:
Interloans basket at CKI
Please note that as of today the Interloans basket (for all returning interloans that have been checked in) has been moved. It is now on the big bench to the left of the ‘c’ location CKI PC, just beside the window. It is clearly labelled.
The reason for the change of location is to improve staff accuracy in placing all CKI’d returning interloans into this basket. Some interloans have mysteriously ended up on the Dewey shelves on Level 4.
Pathfinders/Library guides
I have moved the ‘pathfinders’ (Journal Surf/Maori Place Names/ Finding Children’s and YA material etc) from the Info Services folder to a folder called “Pathfinders” on the Education K drive. Hopefully this will make them easier to find. If you can think of a better name for the folder, let me know and I’ll change it. CS
Archives Tip #3 – Photographic Fun!
There can be some (understandable) confusion regarding the photographic database on the computer opposite the printer. Please bare with me. I will try to explain.
You will note that there is a record number, an item number, a negative number and a copyprint number on the database. All photographs on the database will have a record number (this is simply the order in which they were added to the database). The item number refers to the physical hardcopy photograph downstairs. The negative number refers to the negative of that hardcopy photograph (not all photographs have a negative, but sometimes we only have a negative!). The copyprint number refers to the copyprint collection outside the secure area. These are filed numerically in the drawers (not all photographs have a copyprint). We have digital images of some photographs too, and these are linked directly from the photograph database where they are available.
If the item in question does NOT have an item, negative and/or copyprint number that field will not appear on the database. Retrieval can only be effected using the field that does exist.
Users can browse the copyprint collection at will without registering. However, if they want copies of any of the images they need to go through the normal processes. I will normally allow them to photocopy directly from the copyprints themselves as long as the appropriate documentation is completed and as long as it is for private research and study only. If they do make copies in this way, they should always register and fill out a photocopying request form even though the ususal charges will not apply.
Items to be fetched from downstairs (i.e. those items with either/or an item number or negative number)need to be requested in the usual manner by a registered user. We reserve the right not to issue originals (i.e. glassplate negatives) if we feel that will put the item at physical risk of damage.
If users want to publish the photographs in any media they need to complete the relevant ‘permission to publish’ form. Responsibility to obtain copyright clearances for this purpose lies with the user.
Clear as mud?
Cash reload machine is out of paper
The copy centre has been phoned. A message will be left for staff on Monday morning.
Where’s Jeff?
I have put a little chart on my door to indicate to users (and staff) where I am! I will still write on the white board as usual when I actually leave the library, or if I am out of my office for an extended period.