Tag Archives: events

Are You Ready For The Challenge?

The Australasian University Health Challenge is about to kick off on the 19th of August. If you haven’t signed up yet then head on over to website to get your step by step instructions on how to be involved. Join the other 113 other University of Canterbury participants who have said yes to the challenge.

If you still need some more motivation on joining then have a look at our Facebook below. You can have a chance to win a brand new Fitbit Charge 2 worth $269.99.


The challenge is not only just for steps either. You can record other forms of activities such as biking, swimming, or even volleyball. As long as you are physical active you can add it to your daily step count through the online physical activity to steps converter.

Remember keeping consistent and motivated is always better with a friend. Find someone who will keep you accountable and this challenge may change your life.

Week of the Geek 2018

It’s been decided to go ahead with a Week of the Geek 2018. It will be the week of 12th – 16th March 2018 and we will be supported by Student Services.

We have some awesome volunteers already on the team and need a couple more folk to help out to make it really pop. If you’d love to be involved but you’re worried about workload read on.

We thought it might help to demystify “The Week”, and to offer an early break-down of the events you could volunteer for.

First: What actually is a Geek?

According to the hippest online dictionary around www.urbandictionary.com
Geeks are:

  1. The people you pick on in high school and wind up working for as an adult. “The geeky kid now owns a million dollar software company”.
  2. Not to be confused with Nerd. A geek does not have to be smart, a geek is someone who is generally not athletic, and enjoys video games, comic books, being on the internet, etc…

N.B. We do not condone picking-on in any form and like to think that in the Library we don’t employ folk who pick-on anyone either, so perhaps rather think not-the-high-school-in-crowd.

The group have come up with these events for “The Week” –

  • Code Cracker – whole of week activity. A quest to find clues and crack a code – might have elements of amazing race.
  • Puppy Love – following on from last year’s very popular dog’s day out in the Library.
  • Games – again well received last year. Back by popular demand.
  • A Quiz – turn up on the day – might use kahoot.
  • A Rec Centre led exercise class. Nothing sweaty rather think relaxation or stretching.

If you think you could help with any of these activities, even just a little bit, have a chat with your manager and let Lyndsay know that you’d like to volunteer and what it is your contribution might be.

The .gif Project

GifProject (1)

Some of my animation work has been selected as part of the .gif project  which is being run by DIRT gallery. Its an online exhibition which can be quite hard to look at. More .gifs are added each week so its worth going back to check on every so often.


At the end I think there is a vote and the winner gets a solo exhibition next year. So I will be sure to pester everyone again when that starts up.

Nanowrimo time again! Anyone interested in participating?

November is NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) and I’ll be participating again. This year there will also be some write-ins in the Library.

Nanowrimo is an international non-profit organization that promotes writing. They have various events throughout the year but the biggest event is in November. It’s basic premise is to challenge yourself to write a novel in a month. Participants challenge themselves to write 50,000 words over the month of November. However, it’s more about having fun and writing rather than stressing about reaching the 50,000 words or not (I won’t come close). It’s also not limited to novels and people write poetry, screenplays, non-fiction and anything else that takes their fancy.

Let me know if you’re interested in participating this year!


More details to follow about the write-ins, which are just a chance for people to get to together and do a bit of writing or talk about writing. The write-ins will be marketed to students in terms of taking a break from study and doing something creative instead. They will also be open to anyone in Christchurch who is participating in Nanowrimo this year. I already know of one person who regularly goes to the Education Library to do their writing.


Expressions of Interest – Week of the Geek

Kia ora koutou,

Expressions of interest are now open for 2018 Operational Objective 1.1 Deliver second annual Week of the Geek type event during term one 2018. Anyone who would like to lead or be involved planning and delivery in the this project is invited to let me (Lyndsay) know by email before 3pm on Thursday 12 October. Anyone wishing to familiarise themselves with what took place for 2017 should look for Week of the Geek in the Projects folder in the K drive.


Programme for LU Staff visiting us on Friday

Kia ora koutou,

I hope that many of us can be involved with the programme during the visit of the Lincoln University LTL staff on Friday morning. 26 of us enjoyed visiting Lincoln on Monday afternoon, and now we can all return their hospitality. In particular, it would be good if people from each team can be around for the welcome, the small group discussion and morning tea, and the final questions and next steps in working together conversation. Here is the full programme. Times are indicative only 🙂

Welcome mihi Anne 9.00 – 9.05 Central Library, Rm. 210
Waiata – E Tū Kahikatea All 9.05 – 9.07 Central Library, Rm. 210
Instruction re qu.s for small group discussion Alison Mc 9.07- 9.10 Central Library, Rm. 210
Organisation structure Anne 9.10 – 9.30 Central Library, Rm. 210
Central library tour All 9.30 – 10.00 Central Library, Level 2, 4, 5, 11
Small group discussion All  10.00 -10.30 Central Library, Rm. 210
Morning Tea All 10.30 -10.50 Central Library, Rm. 210
Walk to Macmillan Brown All 10.50-11.00 Outside
Macmillan Brown library tour All 11.00 – 11.30 Macmillan Brown Library
Questions and next steps All 11.30 -12.30 Macmillan Brown Library PS 208


VC’s visit to the Library Next Week

On Wednesday 19th July from 2pm – 3pm the VC is visiting to catch up with Library staff.  His visit will be hosted in Room 210 of Central Library.

We hope that the VC will enjoy looking at the posters that have been created over the past year for use in our own staff fora. If you have a poster that should be displayed (whether you wish to speak to it or not) please give it to me (Lyndsay) by noon on Tuesday 18th. I already have the recent poster from EPS and the recent poster from Education.

If you’d like to assist in preparing for the visit, please let me know today.



Marketing Library Events/Exhibitions


The Library Marketing Group is keen to support library exhibitions, displays and events by assisting with promotion.

We have developed this checklist to outline the variety of marketing options available, specify the resources the marketing group requires to produce marketing materials, and note time-frames.

This checklist is meant to assist with planning promotional materials. Once you have decided what you would like, please contact librarymarketing@canterbury.ac.nz with the attached form.

(We will be updating our marketing wiki page shortly with a permanent link to this, as well as adding a link to our email autoreply).