Tag Archives: Health and Safety

Daily exercises at your desk

Kia ora koutou

With Rā’s permission, while we are working remotely, I am going to try running some daily exercise breaks for us all via AskLIVE. During the day, I will post a link to a music track on AskLIVE together with a link to the HabitatWork exercises which you can work through by clicking on each exercise on the left of the page. Please take care not to do anything that might hurt you, particularly if you have an existing health condition. You may wish to have a look at the exercises in advance if you are not familiar with them.

So that we can have a variety of music, I’m taking requests for the music tracks. Please just email me a link to the track that you would like to hear.



Caroline A.

Health and Safety Training opportunities 2020

This year’s Health and Safety training list is now available here: https://intranet.canterbury.ac.nz/ld/hs/index.shtml

Further information about the various courses came from Lo in H&S Central in an email on 10th January (pasted below). Apologies if you have already seen it.

Tim O’Sullivan

Kia ora!

I hope that you enjoyed a restful break over the festive season!  Happy New Year!

This year I would like to focus on professional development support for all Health & Safety Representatives, Health & Safety Officers and Departmental Safety Officers.

The following courses are available:

Health & Safety Rep (Initial training):

This two-day course is designed to provide you with the fundamentals in representing the concerns and overseeing the wellbeing of fellow staff.

You will learn how to effectively perform and responsibilities of a workplace Health and Safety role, understand Health and Safety requirements and promote the successful management of Health and Safety issued in good faith.

The course is recommended for Health & Safety Representative, Departmental Safety Officer, Management Representative, Persons in control of a place of work and any other staff with a responsibility for Health & Safety.

This course is compulsory under Sections 70(a) and 85(a) of the Health & Safety at Work Act 2015 for training of Health and Safety Representatives.

Workplace H&S Risk Assessment (H&S Rep Stage 2):

You will have completed the H&S Rep Initial Training course prior to attending this course.

This one day course will give you practical knowledge and skills to help you better identify hazards and assess, control, monitor, and review risks, as a manager or supervisor.

You’ll be able to confidently use a set of practical tools to improve health and safety risk assessments in your workplace.

The course uses state of the art virtual reality scenarios and case studies, to allow you to apply your new skills in a workplace environment. And it includes a take away toolkit, complete with health and safety advice, tips, information, and definitions.

This course has been designed for people in roles who need to understand how to conduct a risk assessment and communicate effectively with others.

You will gain NZQA standards via an assessment, which will need to be completed and returned to Impac following the workshop.

 Health & Safety Rep (Sage 3):

You will have completed the H&S Rep Initial Training course and Workplace Health and Safety Risk Assessment (aka H&S Rep – Stage 2) prior to attending this course.

This two-day course will help you have a more active part in injury management and health and safety planning in your workplace.

After completing this course, you’ll be able to:

    • Identify the range of physical, emotional, financial and social costs of incidents
    • Provide an overview of the Accident Compensation Act 2001, and understand its terms, definitions and entitlements
    • Explain early reporting and intervention requirements
    • Identify employee and employer responsibilities
    • Describe the claim lodgment process and requirements for a rehabilitation plan. Use case studies to gain familiarity with interpreting requirements.
    • Identify the impact of workplace injuries in terms of cost
    • Explain drivers or productivity and their application to workplace health and safety
    • Use records to identify workplace patterns of injury and hazards
    • Prepare a health and safety improvement plan

The course has been designed for experienced representatives and anyone who has health and safety responsibilities in the workplace.

You will gain NZQA standards via an assessment, which will need to be completed and returned to Impac following the workshop.

Risk Management:

This is a half day course – the purpose of this training is to inform you of:

    • Relevant legislation
    • UC’s obligation as a PCBU (Person Conducting Business or Undertaking)
    • Responsivities for PCBU’s and workers
    • UC’s obligations to others (Eg. visitors, contractors, students)

Fire Extinguisher & Evacuation:

This is a half day course – the purpose of this training is to inform you of:

    • Extinguisher theory – knowledge and understanding of hand-held firefighting equipment
    • Extinguisher practical – competency in the use of hand-held firefighting equipment
    • Evacuation procedures and warden structure specific to the University of Canterbury

More information, course dates and times, as well as additional “Training by Request” courses, can be found here.

Kindly also be reminded that this is a good time of year to complete an On-line Ergonomic Assessment.  We recommended that all staff complete this at least every 2 years or after you have moved to a new desk, your department has been relocated (even if keep your own desk and chair) or you have received new furniture or equipment.

To start your On-line Ergonomic Assessment click hereREMEMBER TO CLICK F5 IF THE VIDEO DOESN’T START ON OWN AFTER A FEW SECONDS.

Please feel free to contact the Health & Safety Team at any time.

Ngā mihi nui

 Lo Botha

Health & Safety Administrator | Tautāwhi

Are You Ready For The Challenge?

The Australasian University Health Challenge is about to kick off on the 19th of August. If you haven’t signed up yet then head on over to website to get your step by step instructions on how to be involved. Join the other 113 other University of Canterbury participants who have said yes to the challenge.

If you still need some more motivation on joining then have a look at our Facebook below. You can have a chance to win a brand new Fitbit Charge 2 worth $269.99.


The challenge is not only just for steps either. You can record other forms of activities such as biking, swimming, or even volleyball. As long as you are physical active you can add it to your daily step count through the online physical activity to steps converter.

Remember keeping consistent and motivated is always better with a friend. Find someone who will keep you accountable and this challenge may change your life.

Health and Safety post – what is an event?

Health and Safety events are: Injury, Illness, Discomfort and Pain, Near Miss, Incident, and Serious Harm.

It is a good time of year to remind ourselves of the need to document and notify health and safety events and near misses. We should use the UC online system to do this. The Risk Management Safety System (RMSS) is used to report any event which involves an Employee, Student, Visitor, Contractor, Volunteer, or a Person on Work Experience. No event is insignificant. All events should be reported immediately or as soon as possible.

If a Notifiable Event occurs, as well as informing relevant Library managers and health and safety team members, we also contact the UC Health & Safety Manager on 027-742-8689 – this is because we need to notify WorkSafe if a serious injury, illness or incident happens to a person or people carrying out work, or as a result of work that our organisation is responsible for.

The .gif Project

GifProject (1)

Some of my animation work has been selected as part of the .gif project  which is being run by DIRT gallery. Its an online exhibition which can be quite hard to look at. More .gifs are added each week so its worth going back to check on every so often.


At the end I think there is a vote and the winner gets a solo exhibition next year. So I will be sure to pester everyone again when that starts up.

UC Health and Safety Committees

Dates for the meetings of the UC Health and Safety committees for 2017 are posted to the UC Health and Safety page . Minutes for the Committees are posted as they occur and minutes of last year can be accessed through the link at the bottom of the page. Minutes of the Campus Construction Safety Group are posted there too. This group has ben proactive in safety issues that affect students, staff and public on Campus and produced the striking safety signs that were around campus last year.

The library is a part of the Learning Resources Health and Safety Committee and library reps on this committee are Swee Hoon, Dave Lane, Hugh Joughin and Tim O’Sullivan.

Tim O’Sullivan

Health and Safety refresher for staff

Most staff will be due for a Health and Safety refresher. This is meant as a reminder of the basic rules of Health and Safety around the Library and campus.

This year the refresher has been designed as an online module that staff will be able to access and do in fifteen minutes. On completion of the module you will be able to record your name and the training list will be updated.

Please access the module in Camelot here: http://library.canterbury.ac.nz/teach/elearn/HealthSafety/index.html

Please use Firefox or chrome as a browser. IE does not seem to be effective.

Thanks are due to Mushtak who developed the concept and to Caroline for the audio tracks.

Tim O’Sullivan (on behalf of the Library Health and Safety Committee)