There are two initiatives we can remind postgrads and early career researchers about – the Library Open Access Fund, and the UC Foundation Doctoral Publication Prize
Doctoral Publication Prize.
If a student has work accepted for publishing while they are studying, and they are the lead author, they can apply for a prize of $1000 if they publish in a Q1 journal, or $500 in another scimago ranked publication. There are a few other qualifications, like they’ll need to have a verified ORCID number.
Library Open Access Fund
The LOAF can fund costs for Open Access publishing for students and early career researchers. The fund has increased in 2021 to $80,000, and we really want to encourage applications for it. The criteria are essentially – OK journal, not hybrid unless it is in transformation to completely OA, have tried to fund from elsewhere, at least partially.
There is a new comprehensive information sheet on the OA libguide.
Direct link to the LOAF part of the OA libguides: