Problematizing the digital divide

The Digital Education Future Lab at University of Canterbury was delighted to host Professor Laura Czerniewicz from the Centre for Innovation in Learning and Teaching (CILT) at the University of Cape Town, South Africa.

Laura’s seminar Higher Education for Good: Teaching and Learning Futures addressed the question: How can HE academics and professionals instigate change, engage in resistance, imagine fresh possibilities and foster hope for teaching and learning at a time of serious intersecting global and sectoral crises? Laura also spoke to the tenets of a Manifesto for HE for Good that she and co-editor Catherine Cronin have crafted drawing on the multiple genres represented including critical reflections, conceptual pieces, poetry,  speculative fiction, dialogue and a graphic novelette.

Professor Czerniewicz has had many roles in education over the years including academic, researcher, strategist, advocate, teacher, teacher-trainer and educational publisher. Threaded through all her work has been a focus on equity and digital inequality. Laura foregrounded a range of issues. You can see her ppt here.  


Czerniewicz, L., & Carvalho, L. (2022). Open, Distance, and Digital Education (ODDE)–An Equity View. In Handbook of Open, Distance and Digital Education (pp. 1-20). Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore.