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The buying time budget


We are at a 1 in 3 generations change point as a nation: what the government spends money on now will have ricochet impacts across at least three generations. Will we fix the hara of structural inequality? Will we ensure that all our people can flourish? Will our mokopuna inherit cultural vitality and financial security?

The new dance


Economic powerhouses have always found a way to manipulate bodies for profit. Often through the exploitation of exotic, new, resources and human capital. The world of professional sport is no different.  

With impending financial implications looming, the NRL has finalised a new start date for rugby leagues largest competition.

He kokonga whare e kitea, he tangata pātuhi e kore e kitea


The mana of kanohi kitea, the physically seen face seems to be lost by the social media obsessed generations of today.

As with many concepts of te ao Māori that have evolved throughout the ages, so too has that of kanohi kitea. Often used to describe the presence of those on the marae we can now apply it to everyday life and no, I don’t mean turning your camera on for Zoom hui so we can see your face. Kanohi kitea is not just about showing up anymore, it is about taking responsibility for your words, your actions and not hiding behind a keyboard with a picture of your dog protecting your identity.

Ko te mate urutā – ka mua, ka muri


Ahakoa kua huri te wā he āhua ōrite ngā āhuatanga e pā ana ki Ngāi Māori i nāianei, ki ngā wā o te mate urutā kotahi rau tau i mua. I pā mai te “Spanish Flu” ki Aotearoa i te mutunga o te tau 1918. I ngā marama e rua (Oketopa ki te Tihema) ko te tatau o ngā matenga (9,000) he hawhe o ngā mea i mate i te Pakanga Tuatahi o te Ao kātahi anō kua oti. Ka mōhio pea koutou i tino pāngia te iwi Māori e tēnei mate i taua wā. Āhua 2,500 ngā tāngata Māori i mate.

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