Archival Shelving Project update

Kia ora team

We are now in full swing with the Archival Shelving Project to replace the old, well passed the ‘used by date’, wooden shelving in the Warehouse where MB archives are stored. As the new shelving will be installed in phases, we needed to clear the first block of shelves in preparation. So, last week we moved 300LM (that’s about 650+ boxes) over two days to Archives NZ for storage for the duration of the project. This was a significant piece of work as great care was needed to handle and keep track of the 40 odd different collections being moved.

These off-site collections will still be accessible and can be requested on Kā Kohika. A location note has been added to say these are off site and require 3-4 working days for retrieval.

Wonderful work by the team; Erin, Cherilyn and the rest of the MB team with casuals in support. Thanks also to Leah and Library Systems for the superb work updating those many thousands of records in Minisis. Archives NZ have provided a great and safe space for our collections, we will enjoy retrieving from there and knowing our shelves will one day be as lavish as theirs!!

Ngā mihi


2 thoughts on “Archival Shelving Project update”

    1. I’ll put a pic of empty shelves on the General Teams channel. Of course if anyone wants to see progress in person, let me know and I’ll take you over to the warehouse 🙂 Erin

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