All posts by aft23

Kia Kaha Te Aki Reo Māori

UC Puna is hosting children’s storytimes as part of Te Wiki o te Reo Māori.

These will be hosted on level 4 in Te Puna Mātauraka o Te Whare Wānanga o Waitaha, in front of The Creation Myth artwork, at the following times:

  • Tuesday 11 September 10:30-11am
  • Wednesday 12 September 10-10:30am
  • Thursday 13 September 1:30-2pm
  • Friday 14 September 10-10:30am

Children from Te Whare Kōhungahunga o UC (ECLC) and Te Whare Kōhungahunga o Montana (Montana Early Learning Centre) are coming to the sessions. Library tamariki are of course welcome as well:)

Kia kaha te reo Māori!

E-book Error Message

This week a number of distance students reported that every time they tried to access e-books from Taylor and Francis they received the following message:

After some trial and error, with  the distance students helping us out with testing, Romy figured out a solution – and access had likely been a problem since 4 August! So it’s likely a few students have been affected but they don’t always tell us when something isn’t working.

We’re adding a line to the error message reminding students to contact us if they should have access. As ever, if you get an students reporting problems with accessing e-books, please refer to E-Services.

APA Referencing for a School Journal story

There is a big assignment due on Tuesday in which teaching students need to create a lesson plan around a School Journal story and it’s likely there will be questions on AskLIVE regarding how to reference the story.

I’ve added an example to our LibGuide – after consultation with John;) – to assist with these queries:

There are School Journals stories that don’t quite fit this template (isn’t that always the way?) so feel free to refer onto Kathryn, Kim or myself if unsure.

Marketing – August Update

We held a staff development session last week that focussed, primarily, on the social media channels the library uses to reach different audiences. For those who couldn’t make it, I thought I’d create a cheat sheet.

First of all, why do we do this?

The function of the Library Marketing Group is to support the Library in raising its profile and promoting its collections, services and staff

How do we do this?

Medium Target Audience Tone Content example
UC Library News All library patrons Relatively formal Opening hours changes; upcoming workshops, exhibitions, Image of the Week
Facebook Undergraduate students Informal, friendly Information Literacy Content (How to…)

Promoting our staff, collections and events as relevant for UG students

Book culture (aka memes!)

Twitter Postgraduate students and academics* Informal, friendly Promoting our staff, collections and events as relevant for research students

Talking about research tools, research services, best practices etc.

Insider’s Guide Undergraduate students Relatively formal Promoting our staff, collections and events in weekly UC-wide newsletter emailed to all undergraduate students.

RSS feed in LEARN means students also see links to articles in their LEARN pages

Instagram All library patrons Informal, friendly Pretty, pretty pictures of the library, collections and events.

*We have been trialing targeting this audience in 2018

As you can imagine, sometimes coming up with content on a regular basis can be taxing and the awesome staff who keep these accounts and pages going can feel like this:

which is a furry way of saying “send us content!”

Cool photographs,  information about a cool new book in your collection, a great new database, details for the workshop you’re running in a couple of weeks, funny memes….. we want it all!

Don’t worry too much about deciding what platform it’s to go on – just email it to and we will take care of the rest – and be very grateful:)

Facebook Promotion

The marketing team is experimenting with paying to promote posts on Facebook. We are concentrating on boosting posts that promote core library services as part of our information literacy content.

So far we have boosted posts promoting

  • High Demand
  • Get Started Workshops
  • Subject Librarians
  • AskLIVE

We will review the success of paying for promotion shortly, including how we’ve targeted the promotion.

You may have valuable feedback for us. For example, I chose a more targeted audience for the AskLIVE promotion to optimise the chance of reaching students, and minimise the chance of increasing inquiries from outside the student population. But if you experience an increase in non-library/non-students queries on Asklive – or any other change you think may be related to this FB promotion, please do let me know:)


It’s time for another staff-focussed FB post and this time we want to join in on the hashtag #ShowUsYourStacks.

Specifically, what do librarians actually read?

On Tuesday 3 July please bring a book you’re reading at the moment (sorry, this doesn’t really work for e-books!) so we can create a ‘what your UC Librarians read’ post (it doesn’t need to actually be a library book, although good if it is). You can give the book to Kiera or I, and we will make sure it is returned to you asap:)

All Right? Dice

We are running a little “competition” on our Facebook page this week. Students comment on what they do in their downtime on our page and get a free All Right? Dice.

We will contact people this afternoon to let them know they can pick their dice up from the Central Library. There will be die and a list of people who are picking up dice that can be checked off behind the Info Desk on Level 2.

Calling all ‘stock librarians’

So it’s a social media thing at the moment to find a stock picture of your profession and mock it. We want to join in and we need your help!

It’s happening tomorrow morning and we’re going to take two photos of each stock image – one reproducing the stock image, and one mocking it.

Contact me or Kiera asap if you want to help us recreate one of these stock librarian photos!