All posts by gjf58

Capability Awards/H&S Awards/Rosalind Patrick Awards

Kia ora rā tātou,

Staff Awards have been a bit delayed this year. Please read on for the details of several opportunities.

Applications are now open for the 2021 rounds of:

Capability Development Award for Technical and Professional Staff
The Awards are to recognise and assist in innovative and practical approaches to uplift your own, and your team’s capability, allowing you to keep inline and ahead of national and international trends in your professional field. Work teams or individuals may apply.

Visit the webpage for full details and the application form. Applications open 30th August and close 1 October.

The UC Health, Safety & Wellbeing Awards
The Health, Safety & Wellbeing Awards acknowledge people and teams who demonstrate commitment and achievement in improving health, safety & wellbeing at the University of Canterbury. They give campus-wide recognition to good ideas, superior systems, great initiatives, and hardworking people who have made a difference to UC. Work teams or individuals may apply – included part time and fixed term staff.

Visit the webpage for full details and the application forms. Applications open 30th August and close 1 October.

The Rosalind Patrick Awards are granted annually in fond remembrance of a past colleague.
You can find details about Rosalind, past awards, and the application process here. Work teams or individuals are welcome to apply. Applications need to be with Anne Scott by 9am 15th September.



Kaiwhakahaere Taonga Tuku Iho | Manager, Cultural Heritage and Macmillan Brown Library: advertisement now open

Tēnā rā tātou,

The advertisement for the Kaiwhakahaere Taonga Tuku Iho | Manager, Cultural Heritage and Macmillan Brown Library is now online and open. Please find this opportunity here:

Kaiwhakahaere Taonga Tuku Iho | Manager, Cultural Heritage and Macmillan Brown Library

Feel free to disseminate this around your networks.

Mauri ora, Gabrielle

ITS seeking feedback – Learner Lifecycle

Information Technology Services are currently designing a digital strategy for UC. It has been informed by various UC-wide workshops and collaborations. As part of this process, the ITS team has developed a ‘Learners Lifecycle.’ It is currently on display in the foyer of Level 2, PJH. Please go and take a look and add any feedback/comments/ideas you might have. Post-it notes and pens are available.                Ngā mihi, Gabrielle

July University Librarian’s Report

Kia ora rā tātou,

Ānei tētahi pānuitanga mō tēnei rā makariri. Here is some reading for this cold, windy day. Please copy and paste the link into your browser.

Ngā mihi,


July Staff Fora

Kia ora tātou,

There are 2 Staff Fora coming up: – Tuesday 27th July, 3-4pm and Thursday 29th July, 11am-12pm. I will be sending out invites this week, please only choose one invite to accept and decline the other.

This will be a Matariki themed informal celebration and reflection time, with a Managers sit-down Q&A panel. More info will be in the invites about how to submit a question.

Ngā mihi,


May UL Report & May Library Manager’s Operational meeting Minutes

Kia ora koutou,

Please find the May University Librarian’s Report here:

And the May Library Manager’s Operational Meeting Minutes here:

Apologies you have to copy and paste the links, but hyperlinking a word doesn’t always give success across all browsers.

Ngā mihi maioha, kia tino pai tō koutou mutunga wiki!


Your Communication Toolbox – upcoming training

Kia ora koutou,

A reminder that the second sessions of the Sheffield training workshops “Your Communication Toolbox” are fast approaching, check one is in your calendar.

– Thursday 17th June, 2-4pm & Tuesday 22nd June 9-11am

Both workshops are held in Room 224, the training room as you enter Central Library.

If you have not RSVPed or didn’t attend the first sessions in April but want to attend June, please contact me ASAP and I can help.

Ngā mihi, Gabrielle

Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga Workshop Series

Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga, New Zealand’s Māori Centre of Research excellence is hosting an 8 week workshop series with some really relevant topics. Great for your own professional learning, or to let students and academics know about.

Yesterday was the first session; possibly they will be recorded and distributed. Keep an eye on the website for more information and to register for the sessions.

Ngā mihi,


Library Managers Operational Meeting Minutes + UL Report

Kia ora koutou,

Some reading for your Wednesday. 🙂

Please find the minutes of the April Library Managers Operational Meeting here:

And the May University Librarian’s Report can be read here:

Mauri ora,


2021 Flu Vaccinations

Kia ora koutou,

This year flu vaccinations are being run a little differently. You will only be able to access vaccinations via the UC Health Centre if you are an enrolled patient there. However, UC is still funding vaccinations for all other staff in the form of vouchers redeemable at any Unichem or Life Pharmacy. These individualised vouchers will be sent out over the next few weeks. Please head here for more info.

Ngā mihi,
